"Poorly educated" and proud of it.
I'll stack my education up against anybody's. Particularly if experience counts.
I'll even tilt at windmills with you if I believe in the cause.
But not here.
Johnson is an afterthought and non-factor except in his ability to siphon anti-Hillary votes.
Cruz is too weak in appearance and demeanor to survive the long game against Clinton.
Polls of today considered, I still think trump is the only remaining candidate with the personal magnetism to energize enough of the disenfranchised white middle class (the majority) to disrupt her.
Electing that saggy bag of tits would be the worst mistake this country could ever make.
That's the alpha and omega of my position.
Any discussion of his "conservatism" or his lies or his motives is wasted on me. I would not have chosen him. But since he exists? Do what you've got to.
If you think someone who murders Americans out of ignorance or apathy is a better option? Well, that's on you. I've never tried to persuade any of you to vote for trump. The next time I vote for him will be the first. I only posit that Clinton is worse than anything you can say or dream up. The stark naked fear of trump on the faces of the leftist elite confirms that.