Yeah, that paltry 39% tax rate that companies are saddled with here (the 3rd highest tax rate in the world, while you're bullshitting) just isn't enough to fill the gimmedat slush fund. Meanwhile, 47% of the American people pay no income tax at all (the takers), whereas the richest 1% (the givers) pay just under 25% of all income taxes collected.
Tell me again who it is not pulling their weight? It's the no load bums sitting on their lazy ass waiting on a handout who need to drop the smartphone and grab ahold of the rope.
Long...but I've had enough of this shit.
Don't waste facts and logic on this guy. He wants what's "best for America". Prowlie, you've based your argument several times in this thread on Bernie's $200K threshold and the assumption that those you're making the argument to don't earn that or more annually. You even specifically called out Token in telling him his argument wasn't valid and telling everyone he wouldn't be affected because he doesn't earn that in a year.
I have no idea what Token or anyone else on this board makes. He may have a side job selling confiscated pot where he rakes in $500K/yr. Who knows? Who gives a fuck? I've never seen anyone brag or complain about their income on this board. It's not something you do. I'm not going to do that either, but I'm not going to shy away from the fact that I make a good living. Am I rich or wealthy? Well, what's your definition of those terms? Can I pay my bills? Yes. Can I send my kid to college? Yes. Can I take the fam on regular vacations? Yes I can. Do I buy a can of "Great Value" green beans at the store over "Del Monte" because I can save 17 cents? No. If I need a new pair of running shoes, do I get the $89.00 Brooks that look great and feel good on my feet, or do I think better of it and settle for the $59.00 Nike's on clearance. You get the picture.
Is that rich or wealthy? By the same token (Pun intended) can I go buy that $450K beach house I so desperately want? Maybe. Probably could swing it if I rented it out. But it would put me in a precarious position and stretch me to the limit. Here's the thing...I have no complaints with my financial situation. Things could change tomorrow but right now, I'm perfectly happy being able to live life without money being priority one on my list. Can I throw money around, go buy me a $100K boat...a $90K Mercedes? Hell no. Can I buy lunch for you and some friends and not worry about it? Yeah, that's where I'm at. That's what I consider "rich".'s where I want you...specifically you, pay attention. This is 100% fact. 100% truth. I graduated from AU in 84'. I worked in insurance as an adjuster for almost 15 years. Had a good job. Was at $50K plus...a car...good benefits. But I realized I was pretty much topped out. I was never going any farther in the position I was in. And the job was getting tougher by the week. So, I made the decision to try and get in law school. I sat up nights doing LSAT study guides and practice tests. I spent the money and took the test and did pretty good. Enough to get offers from numerous law schools. Step 2:
I chose Jones Law School in Montgomery because I could commute after work and go to night school. I had a family and couldn't take 3 1/2 years off without pay to pursue my goal. For 3 1/2 years, I worked 8 to 5 and hopped in my car and drove 2 hours to Montgomery, went to class for 3 hours, got back in my car and went south for 2 hours. Got home at 12:00 5 nights a week and studied for an hour. Went to bed, got up and did it all over again. Did that for over 3 years. How did I pay for it? I cashed in my 401K from the company I worked for and took out loans for the rest. Oh, and my company didn't want me using their vehicle to drive back and forth so I took on another loan for a Honda Accord.
When I finished school, I had a 3 day pop quiz called the Alabama State Bar that I had to pass or everything I'd done meant exactly squat. I had zero money in the bank. Zero retirement or savings...all cashed in. And I was around $45K in debt with just student loans and car payments. Despite a nervous breakdown half way through...I passed. So, as I said earlier, me and a colleague decided to hang a shingle out (As many on this board have done) and see what happens. For almost 14 years, it's grown and it's worked. I'm proud of that. Not gloating, just proud that sacrifice and hard work has paid off so far.
I hope you see where I'm going with this. Between Federal and State taxes, Obama Care and countless other dices and slices from my paycheck, I barely bring home half, if that, of what I earn. We employ 6 people in our mom & pop firm and pay a lot of their benefits. And YOU think I should pay, according your candidate's plan, 5% more? the FUCK....NO!!!! I put myself and my family through hell for years and years to get to this point. I already pay out the ASS. In fact, I still have $7K to pay on those student loans. I'll be damned if you think I have anything other than utter contempt for anyone who thinks I should do more for those that do less.
Here's what you're not getting at all. There's PLENTY of money there. It's a matter of getting someone in office who knows how and has the ability to appropriate it accordingly. You don't need to tax by classes. The money is already there. Spend it more wisely. Come after me for more than I pay now and I'll stick my size 12's up your mother fucking ass.