Please explain temperature fluctuations, better known as "Climate Change" that occurred prior to the industrial revolution.
Did we burn too many candles? too many farting cows? Too many farting Dinosaurs?
Where to begin with this?
First of all, YOU brought up the hockey stick theory by falsely stating that it has flattened. Do you even know what it is you were referring to?

The "curve" of the hockey stick begins right around 1900. When do you think the Industrial Revolution took place? Where is the rise of overall temperature prior to the Industrial Revolution? What the fuck are you talking about? Or you still can't wrap your head around the fact that fluctuations occur in overall trends? You can't understand why there are spikes in the graph, and still understand that there WAS a linear trend until the turn of the century, when the TREND spiked upward? Again, if that was a measurement of someone's weight in pounds over the course of, say a decade, I'm sure you'd understand that that the peaks are going to happen and have nothing to do with the overall trend, and you would realize that at the end of that graph, the TREND upward in pounds would be alarming. But because you put a mental block on ANY possibility of the reality of climate change, you're choosing to be obtuse here.
Secondly, there are other things that emit carbon dioxide and methane, yes. Other factors contribute to the "hockey stick", including population booms. They are all relatively a problem. Coal consumption happens to be one of the bigger ones.
Why did they abandon the proven science of global cooling?
They didn't.
Why did they abandon the proven science of Global Warming?
They didn't.
The term changed to "climate change" as an attempt to explain to people who can't wrap their heads anything more complex than this retarded argument.
The overall warming contributes to changes in ocean currents, which causes those fluctuations you're perplexed by. Which means colder winters, warmer summers, and overall less predictability in the weather (which is not the same as the climate). I've linked to videos and articles that explain this in layman's terms, but you guys want to soak in your own ignorance and continue to make this stupid argument, thinking you're "getting one over" on those of us who understand it. If you would actually take your blinders off and attempt to understand what is happening, you would realize how ridiculous your argument actually is. I could link to more articles and videos again, but it will be a waste of all of our time.
Now I need to change my way of life, tax the shit out everyone, watch the political cronies get rich chasing green alternatives on the government dime all because we have no fucking clue which way the climate will CHANGE next.
Four times now I've had to say I'm not advocating "changing your way of life". I'm not saying cut out coal. I'm saying look into other options and advance technologically. Why is that such a bad thing? If we listened to you in the 1800s, we'd still be treating headaches with bloodletting.
Please find me one temperature model your exalted scientists published 20, 10 , or even 5 years ago that are even close to being accurate. Proven science my ass
The "hockey stick" you pretended to know about is a model developed in 1999. More than 5 years ago. More than 10 years ago. Nearly 20 years ago.
Here are hundreds more from at least 20 years ago that link CO2 to climate change. forbid you google and learn something.
I'm done with this topic. We've been around this same block. You're wrong. You're factually, inexplicably, scientifically wrong. This thread is about Trump. Bring it back up in one of the "global warming is a hoax!!1" threads you already started if you want to discuss further.