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Add Princeton to the Mix

Add Princeton to the Mix
« on: November 20, 2015, 01:11:28 PM »

'WE DEMAND the university administration publicly acknowledge the racist legacy of Woodrow Wilson.' Specifically, the BJL asks the University to rename the Woodrow Wilson School, rename Wilson college, and remove the Wilson mural from Wilcox dining hall.

'WE DEMAND cultural competency training for all staff and faculty.' The letter states that this request was previously voted down on free speech grounds, and requests classes on the history of marginalized peoples be added to the list of distribution requirements.

'WE DEMAND a cultural space on campus dedicated specifically to Black students, and that space can be within the Carl A. Fields Center but should be clearly marked.' The BJL stipulates that the naming of the space be left to student discretion so as to avoid naming it after a 'white benefactor or person with bigoted beliefs, as evidenced by the naming of Stanhope Hall.

'These are demands from Black students at Princeton, who, in the words of Fannie Lou Hamer, are "sick and tired of being sick and tired".

'While we are grateful for the collaboration we have had with faculty and administrators in the past, we make these demands during this unique time to expedite these processes.

'So that we can ensure that these demands will be met, we will request that President Eisgruber sign this document.'

The president of Princeton University has bowed to protesters' demands and will call for the removal of Woodrow Wilson's name from campus.

President Christopher L. Eisgruber gave in to activists from the Black Justice League (BJL) after they camped out in his office, signing an agreement with the demonstrators on Thursday evening.

The group had refused to leave until Wilson's name was removed from a college and international affairs school, and a mural to him in a dining hall was demolished.

The former President, who led the formation of the League of Nations and helped all women get the vote, was a 'proud Klansman' who has a 'racist legacy', they claim.

Despite the protesters being threatened with disciplinary action just a day ago, Eisgruber has now backtracked and will set the wheels in motion for Wilson's name to be removed.

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Re: Add Princeton to the Mix
« Reply #1 on: November 20, 2015, 03:01:46 PM »
The irony, of course, is that Woodrow Wilson is the father of the Democratic Progressive movement.


It's happening everywhere.

At Alabama:
A group calling itself "We Are Done," which, according to its Facebook page, is a coalition of students and faculty concerned about racism and discrimination on campus, has released three demands of the University via its Facebook page as of 12:20 p.m. today.

Its first demand is that the University create a division of diversity and equity with the addition of a vice president or vice provost of diversity.

Its second demand is that the University remove the names of white supremacists, Klansman, Confederate generals and Eugenicists from classroom buildings or create markers to show the history of racism the buildings' namesakes are associated with.

Its third demand is that the University increase its funding for student organizations and officers that do intersectional work. The demand specifically mentions the Counseling Center, the Women and Gender Resource Center, Safe Zone, the Center for Service and Leadership, Crossroads, Wellness and the Gender and Race Studies Department.

The page says the University is at an important period in its history. Behind the University are years of inequality and in front of the University is the opportunity to create a more inclusive and welcoming campus.

"We are done with allowing UA to shirk its responsibility to serve all students," the page reads. "We are done with letting intolerance and bigotry control our school's fate. We are done with accepting that our voices don't matter. And we are done with the Machine."

The group's wordmark incorporates the Greek letters, Theta Nu Epsilon, the traditional greek name of the Machine.

Over the next few months, the page says, the group will peacefully engage in campus to show that the University is ready for change.

The Crimson White has reached out to several parties for comment.

This story will be updated as more information becomes available.

UPDATE(4:10 p.m., 11/18/15):

The group's fourth demand is that the University takes steps to reinstate and provide sufficient funds for the Black Alumni Network.

The group's fifth demand is that the University creates an endowed budget for the Black Faculty and Staff Association to fund programming and initiatives with students.

Its sixth demand is that the University creates an effective way to report hate crimes and sexual assault on campus.

Its seventh demand is that the University requires all students to take a freshman diversity course to teach them about race, gender and sexuality.

Its eight demand is that the University updates the diversity plan from 2008 and has students from diverse backgrounds to approve or create said plan.

Its ninth demand is that the University provides a permanent safe space for students of color in the Ferguson Student Center.

Its tenth demand is that the University increases the number of black faculty and staff by the 2017-18 school year.

Its eleventh demand is that The University of Alabama Administration and Board of Trustees acknowledge the existence of The Machine and actively take steps to bring it above ground.

UPDATE (11:24 p.m, 11/18/15): The group has scheduled a protest tomorrow, Thurs. Nov. 19, at 11 a.m. at Malone-Hood Plaza outside Foster Auditorium. Attendees are invited to wear all black, according to the group's Facebook page

Demand #9 is especially LOLworthy considering Alabama's history of segregation.

At Smith College, one of the demands is that only biased journalists who agree with them cover their protest.


These college protesters are demanding the media who cover them support their cause. Really.

Students and faculty at Smith College apparently didn’t want a repeat of that ugly episode at the University of Missouri, where a communications professor was filmed calling for the forcible removal of a journalist from an on-campus demonstration earlier this month.

So when they held a sit-in Wednesday to protest racial discrimination, their solution was to not let in members of the media in the first place — unless said media members pledged allegiance to the cause.

This remarkable passage comes from MassLive.com, whose reporter was turned away:

Alyssa Mata-Flores, a 21-year-old Smith College senior and one of the sit-in's organizers, explained that the rule was born from "the way that media has historically painted radical black movements as violent and aggressive."

"We are asking that any journalists or press that cover our story participate and articulate their solidarity with black students and students of color," she told MassLive in the Student Center Wednesday. "By taking a neutral stance, journalists and media are being complacent in our fight."

Smith organizers said journalists were welcome to cover the event if they agreed to explicitly state they supported the movement in their articles.

Wait, it gets better/worse:

Stacey Schmeidel, Smith College director of media relations, said the college supports the activists' ban on media.

"It's a student event, and we respect their right to do that, although it poses problems for the traditional media," Shmeidel said.

Schmeidel went on to say that the college reserves the right to remove reporters from the Student Center because it's a private campus.

Smith is, indeed, a private school — $63,950 per year worth of private school — which is a relevant differentiator from the state-run University of Missouri. And if students and faculty need to discuss sensitive issues behind closed doors, they’re certainly entitled to do so.

But to welcome some reporters and not others — and to make support for the cause the price of admission — is to disregard not only the fundamental principles of journalism but also the school itself (though Smith is the place where the student newspaper censored "crazy" in a published transcript last year, calling it an "ableist slur").

From the Smith College student handbook: “All members of the Smith community are obligated to provide, protect and promote the free exchange of ideas in every form on the Smith College campus. … If the campus is to be truly free, legitimate exchanges of dialogue must proceed without obstruction or coercion from any quarter.”

The reaction from journalists has been, well, what you’d expect:

But UNC perhaps takes the cake.

Can't copypasta from the PDF, but their demands include a litany of firings on basically no basis, no tuition, no SATs used as admissions standards, classes and facilities be free to all residents of North Carolina regardless of admittance, paying student athletes, cutting ties with Nike, stop using coal, gender free bathrooms, etc.
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Re: Add Princeton to the Mix
« Reply #2 on: November 20, 2015, 03:06:39 PM »
Oh, and as I mentioned in another thread, Clay Travis has earned a ton of respect from me for going after this shit.


Vanderbilt Hate Crime Turns Out To Be Blind Girl's Dog's Poop

By Clay Travis
Nov 18, 2015 at 3:07p ET

Campus racism is so hot right now all the pc bros and social justice warriors are out here denouncing everything. There are anti-racism protests everywhere. Of course most of them are based on fake racism allegations, but that doesn't matter, bro, there are racists and what are you doing to stand up to them right now? They hate racism more than you, bro. You're so racist you don't even know how to spell patriarchy.

The latest school to trump up fake racism like Mizzou and try to get attention for it?

My own double alma mater, Vanderbilt University.

Motivated by the fake protest at Mizzou, Vandy decided they needed to have their own anti-racism protest. So a couple of hundred losers on campus showed up and denounced racism in a protest 99% of the campus paid no attention to. Because, you know, Vanderbilt isn't racist. But whatever. That's beside the point.

The day after the protest the protest group's wet dream happened -- there was poop in a black bag on the front steps of the black cultural center.

Racist poop!



This Vandy group immediately denounced the poop on the steps as a hate crime. Because evidently poop on the doorstep is now considered a hate crime. (By the way, if poop on the door step is a hate crime, then I deserved the death penalty in middle school. And if you light that poop on fire is that the new burning cross? If so, I'm probably going to get arrested the second I post this story).

The story went viral in an instant because PC bros masturbate to racism these days

Here's the pearl clutching outrage post that went up yesterday. (It has since been deleted).

"The Hidden Dores team is appalled to announce that our demonstration yesterday was met this morning with a vile act. This morning someone left a bag of feces on the porch of Vanderbilt University's Black Cultural Center. The center has served as the nexus of many aspects of Black(sic) life on Vanderbilt's campus since it's (sic) inception 31 years ago. The violation of a place that in many ways is the sole home for Black(sic) students is deplorable. As many of us sit in grief, recognize that these types of actions are what we speak of when we note the reality of exclusion and isolation of students of color and specifically Black(sic) students on our campus. This act has hurt many and will nto be received lightly. We will not allow for the desecration of the place we call home. As we announced yesterday and reaffirm today, we will not be silent."

First, wrong its, second, why is black capitalized in this post? Hello, you go to a top twenty school. Do PC bros not do grammar now? But more importantly, "As many of us sit in grief.." Oh give me a fucking break. It was a bag of poop left on the stairs outside. This left you grief stricken?

The post went viral with all the liberal media -- PC BRO RACISM ALERT, THERE'S POOP ON CAMPUS STEPS -- and an investigation into the bag of poop ensued.

Yep, an investigation by Vandy police. (To be fair, this is the most important investigation the Vandy police have been involved in investigating by themselves since a Kappa Delta sorority girl left her hazards on too long unloading Nordstrom bags outside the sorority house).

Who was the horrible racist who left dog poop on campus steps?

Well, it turns out that it was a blind female student whose seeing eye dog pooped on campus and she couldn't find a trash can.

She posted this on Facebook. (I have edited it down because this is the longest post I have ever read about dog poop).

"I would like to inform everyone on this campus that no racial threat occurred. I am a blind student on this campus with a guide dog. I was meeting with a group last night to go over our debate for one of my sociology classes. My dog did her business outside on the grass and I picked it up and put it in a bag like always...I did not want to bring the feces inside and make the building smell, so I left it outside by the door...Everyone is going to point me out now as the blind girl who left her dog feces by the black cultural center. I am sorry that I do not know where all the trash cans are on main campus...The Vanderbilt police were obviously able to look at cameras and figure out that it was Marley and I becasue I got a call asking if I left her feces outside of the door."

How about just tossing Marley's name in there like he was to blame for her not properly disposing of his poop? This blind girl is blame shifting like crazy. Sure, sure, you're not racist, your dog is racist. We all see right through you, whitey.

Anyway, instead of just pointing out how stupid this fucking story is and how much of losers these protesters are, the blind girl had to go all PC bro on the black student group. Which is, honestly, too perfect.

"This action of posting a post like this on facebook for everyone to see before investigation isolated and excluded blind people on this campus who also face discrimination."

Uh oh.

No, she didn't.

The black student group out here isolating and excluding blind people who also face discrimination? Y'all just got PC served.

If this were a discrimination poker game, this blind chick just went all in. She's basically saying. "I see (well, maybe not really) your blackness, PC bros, and I raise you blindness."

Game. Over. 

The black students have since deleted all mentions of their accusation or their getting PC served by the blind chick and her seeing eye dog -- this is like getting dunked on and having someone's nuts hit you right in the chin -- and now have a kind of, sort of, apology up on their page.

"It has recently come to our attention that we were absolutely misinformed about a situation that happened this morning at Vanderbilt's Black Cultural Center, where a black bag filled with fecal matter was left at the front doorstep of the place that feels most like home to many Black students on campus. We have discovered that the fecal matter was not left at the BCC by a vindictive member of this community. A VUPD report released at 11:26pm today reads: "The investigation found that the bag was inadvertently left by an individual with a service dog who was authorized to be in the building, who could not find a trashcan near the entrance, and did not want to take the bag inside." Given the recent elevation in polarization on this campus in the aftermath of our silent protest this Monday, evidenced by tough personal exchanges and anonymous targeted posts, it was too easy for us to believe that a member of our community would stoop low enough to maliciously leave fecal matter at the Black Cultural Center. Nonetheless, we apologize to the Vanderbilt community for jumping to conclusions and for any personal trauma caused by the quick escalation of this situation. We have personally contacted Stephanie Zundel and apologized for our reaction to the nature of this incident. At this moment, we recognize that the needs of students with disabilities on this campus are also often marginalized, and there are improvements to be made to make the perfect Vanderbilt experience accessible for all of its students. In an effort to contain the situation, the original post has been deleted at this time." 

How were you "absolutely misinformed" here? You weren't misinformed -- the poop was real -- you just jumped to racist conclusions.

So it wasn't racist poop after all.

Can all you PC bros take a minute to think about how your obsession with racism leads to fake, trumped up charges of racism? Right now all the PC bros are like kids staying in a house rumored to have ghosts. Once you believe there are ghosts in the house, you're more likely to see evidence of ghosts even if they aren't actually there at all.

That's what the fake protest at Mizzou has caused.

I have some advice for all of you college kids -- chill the fuck out and stop being such total losers.

Your life is going to suck once you leave college and have to get a real job. And one day you're going to be sitting at your desk thinking, "Why was I such a goddamn loser in college? I should have been having the time of my life and instead I was busy writing about fake hate poop."

Second piece of advice, I'm a double Vandy alum. If you think Vandy sucks then your life is going to suck beyond belief once you leave campus. Seriously. You have no idea of the hell that is coming your way. Right now all you have to do is go to class for 15 hours a week. You can eat and sleep as much as you want. You have abundant sex partners. People are incredibly nice to you. The grading scale is cake. You live in a country club bubble where there's always a pick-up basketball, soccer or ultimate frisbee game going on, alcohol is easy to find, parties are plentiful. And you're still bitching? You're in for a world of hurt, kids.

Stop being such pussies.   
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Re: Add Princeton to the Mix
« Reply #3 on: November 20, 2015, 03:10:12 PM »
Comprehensive list of all these wacky demands. Unfortunately, it was created in earnest, not for mockery.

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Re: Add Princeton to the Mix
« Reply #4 on: November 20, 2015, 03:22:55 PM »
I have so much man-love for Clay Travis right now.  I want to have his babies.
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Re: Add Princeton to the Mix
« Reply #5 on: November 20, 2015, 03:38:47 PM »
Just wait till they get out of college. What? you won't hire me, Your racist, law suit. What? I am being fired for never coming to work, I don't want to work and you can't make me, your racist.

Just think they are gonna be raising kids to be bigger pussy's than they are.   :facepalm: :haha:
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A veteran is someone who, at one point in his life, wrote a blank check made payable to 'The United States of America ' for an amount of 'up to and including my life.' That is Honor, and there are way too many people in this country who no longer understand it.'

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Re: Add Princeton to the Mix
« Reply #6 on: November 20, 2015, 07:22:49 PM »
That group "We are done" is going after the Machine. I remember a few years ago some people were laughing at me and others when I stated something about the Machine at Alabama. Welp, that group is going to have their hands full, because the Machine is absolutely massive as it incorporates the State media and some National media, Judges, Lawyers, Politicians, basically all of the "Big Wigs".
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"Patriotism and popularity are the beaten paths for power and tyranny." Good, no worries about tyranny w/ Trump

"Alabama's Special Teams unit is made up of Special Ed students." - Daniel Tosh

"The HUNH does cause significant Health and Safety issues, Health issues for the opposing fans and Safety issues for the opposing coaches." - AU AD Jay Jacobs

Re: Add Princeton to the Mix
« Reply #7 on: November 20, 2015, 08:23:37 PM »
Group of white people disrupt a class to ask why they are in class when they could be out supporting a #BLM protest. It almost appears satirical. It's not. 

THIS is what scares me the most about it. Everything sucks about the past few weeks in terms of Black Lives Matter getting everything they want. But when they start coming after you for not actively supporting their cause, that's when you know a fucking gas chamber is being built.
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Re: Add Princeton to the Mix
« Reply #8 on: November 20, 2015, 08:48:02 PM »
Group of white people disrupt a class to ask why they are in class when they could be out supporting a #BLM protest. It almost appears satirical. It's not. 

THIS is what scares me the most about it. Everything sucks about the past few weeks in terms of Black Lives Matter getting everything they want. But when they start coming after you for not actively supporting their cause, that's when you know a fucking gas chamber is being built.

Could not agree more, THS. 

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Re: Add Princeton to the Mix
« Reply #11 on: November 21, 2015, 08:44:28 AM »
Should add Auburn to the mix too:


Aariyan Tooley, freshman in theatre, said she had just spent a fun night at the play with four friends when her view of Auburn changed.

"It made me more aware about racism and discrimination in this country," Tooley said. "Even though it happened to me and four other girls, I couldn't feel bad for myself."

Tooley was leaving a Nov. 11 showing of "The Glass Menagerie" at the Peet Theatre building on Samford Avenue when a truck drove past. She said the young men in the truck threw a full beer can at her and her four African American friends.

"When I looked over, I couldn't see who was in the truck, but I heard them laughing," Tooley said. "Don't take your safety for granted."

Tooley told her story to a packed crowd at a Black Student Union meeting on Monday night, Nov. 16.

More than 200 students of all races attended the meeting to show their support for students protests across the nation for reform on college campuses. The meeting was intended to promote change in the culture at Auburn University and spark a respectful dialogue among students, according to its organizers.

African American student-leaders have been organizing on Auburn's campus following student protests and the resignation of the University of Missouri's system president and the Columbia campus chancellor.

During the meeting, Brandi Williams and John Blanding, director and assistant director of public relations for BSU, presented background and facts concerning the events in Columbia.

Many are hailing his ouster as a historic example of the power of student protestors. Now Auburn's African American student-leaders are using momentum of events in Missouri as a catalyst for change on Auburn's campus.

"I looked at myself and said to myself that I was a man [before transferring to Auburn]," said Benjamin Baker, a senior in Political Science. "Since the day that I stepped on campus, I've felt less like a man."

Baker, SGA director of governmental relations, is part of the group of African American student-leaders who are pushing for the changes.

"I can't sit by and be a bystander as me and other people feel like they're less of a man or a woman," Baker said. "No more will I allow us to be on this campus and feel like we're not a part of the Auburn family, because we are a part of the Auburn family. [The African American student-leaders] are no longer divided. We are united. We are one voice, on one accord."

Baker went on to say that this new movement is about more than just African American students.

"We are not going to let this be a hate white people movement," Baker said. "Everybody is important. Every minority is important. The hispanic students are important. The international students are important. White people are important. We are going to treat everybody the same."

Shannon Arthur is another organizing member of the group of student-leaders.

"We're being critical of Auburn because we love Auburn," Arthur said. "We want future students and current students to feel welcome when they come here."

Auburn president Jay Gogue sent an e-mail Sunday afternoon concerning diversity on campus.  Several presidents of many predominantly African-American organizations met last week with Gogue following the events in Missouri, according to Tevin Harrell, senior in industrial and systems engineering. 

Through their meetings over the course of the last week and the meeting with Gogue, the student leaders have developed a three point plan to promote diversity on campus. Their plan focuses on the admissions process, faculty diversity and the general campus environment.

"When you apply to Auburn, we want you to feel welcome," Arthur said. "When you enroll in Auburn, we want you to feel welcome. When you step on campus, we want you to feel welcome."

Jarette Maye is the secretary of the Harold A. Franklin Society.

"Do not treat this as a fad," Maye said. "This is the way of life we have on this campus. Do not treat this as a hashtag or something to have fun on social media. Do not treat this as a way to look important."

Maye went on to urge the students not to treat the movement as a means to get attention for themselves.

"If you're going to come out, be real and have your opinions ready," Maye said. "Be a part of this movement. We need to be a family like we're supposed to be."

I will say that I'm proud of the way it's being handled here. One of my students went to this meeting with Gogue and spoke about it in class. She said before they met with him, her group discussed being as diplomatic and peaceful as possible. Notice there aren't any buildings being occupied or radical demands for the heads of particular white people.

While I may disagree with some of their claims and wonder about the "truthiness" of them, I can respect them wanting to have a civil conversation about promoting diversity on campus.
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Re: Add Princeton to the Mix
« Reply #12 on: November 21, 2015, 01:00:10 PM »
End affirmative action in college admittance and you will end this problem.

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Re: Add Princeton to the Mix
« Reply #13 on: November 22, 2015, 10:42:41 AM »
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Re: Add Princeton to the Mix
« Reply #14 on: November 22, 2015, 07:03:10 PM »
Should add Auburn to the mix too:


I will say that I'm proud of the way it's being handled here. One of my students went to this meeting with Gogue and spoke about it in class. She said before they met with him, her group discussed being as diplomatic and peaceful as possible. Notice there aren't any buildings being occupied or radical demands for the heads of particular white people.

While I may disagree with some of their claims and wonder about the "truthiness" of them, I can respect them wanting to have a civil conversation about promoting diversity on campus.
I was drawing the same conclusions as I was reading this. If you think this discussion is necessary, at least going about it the way these students at Auburn are is more likely to actually have people listen and engage rather than just turn into an emotional, divisive, hateful mess.
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Re: Add Princeton to the Mix
« Reply #15 on: November 23, 2015, 04:06:41 PM »
I know this isn't a #blacklivesmatter but kind of an extension of where we're going as a society.  Yoga?  Really?  from #dot I am a gay twerker that has no balls!!!!  I also have no idea how to use the quote function to post stories, so I annoy the piss out of others.  I like male genatalia in and around my mouth. @ #foxynewz

A yoga instructor who teaches at the University of Ottawa says she is fighting to keep her program alive after the school’s student body suspended it over concerns that “cultural issues” relating to the class could offend students.

Jennifer Scharf, who has been offering free weekly sessions at the university’s Center for Students with Disabilities since 2008, told the Ottawa Sun that she was informed in September that the program would not come back for the fall semester.

In an email exchange between Scharf and a representative of the university’s Student Federation -- which was viewed by the newspaper -- a student wrote that “while yoga is a really great idea and accessible and great for students... there are cultural issues of implication involved in the practice.

"Yoga has been under a lot of controversy lately due to how it is being practiced," the email continues, and which cultures those practices "are being taken from."

The Student Federation, which operates the center, went on to say that many of those cultures “have experienced oppression, cultural genocide and diasporas due to colonialism and Western supremacy... we need to be mindful of this and how we express ourselves while practicing yoga."

Student Federation Acting President Romeo Ahimakin told the Ottawa Sun that the class has been put on hold until a way can be figured out "to make it better, more accessible and more inclusive to certain groups of people that feel left out in yoga-like spaces.

“We are trying to have those sessions done in a way in which students are aware of where the spiritual and cultural aspects come from, so that these sessions are done in a respectful manner,” he added.

But Scharf, who instructed about 60 students each week in the program, said, "people are just looking for a reason to be offended by anything they can find."

Scharf says she offered the student body leaders a compromise by suggesting she change the name of the course to “mindful stretching,” but after some debate, they couldn’t reach an agreement.

"I guess it was this cultural appropriation issue because yoga originally comes from India," she told CBC News. "We're not going through the finer points of Scripture. We're talking about basic physical awareness and how to stretch so that you feel good.”

Scharf added that she is “fighting so hard” to keep the class.
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My doctor told me I needed to stop masturbating.  I asked him why, and he said, "because I'm trying to examine you."

Re: Add Princeton to the Mix
« Reply #16 on: November 23, 2015, 09:35:17 PM »
I knew Thomas Jefferson would be next.


In the last week, Princeton University students who object to having Woodrow Wilson's name on an academic unit and a residential college occupied the president's office and left only when promised that the university would review its use of the Wilson name. The students pointed out that Wilson was a racist who, as president of the United States, had federal government agencies segregated, reversing progress toward civil rights for black people. Many observers have wondered which historical figure honored on American campuses would next capture critical attention.

The answer appears to be Thomas Jefferson. At both the University of Missouri at Columbia and the College of William & Mary, critics have been placing yellow sticky notes on Jefferson statues, labeling him -- among other things -- "rapist" and "racist."
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The Guy That Knows Nothing of Hyperbole


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Re: Add Princeton to the Mix
« Reply #18 on: November 24, 2015, 11:52:10 AM »
We need Nancy Reagan so bad right now!
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Five statements of WISDOM
1. You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity, by legislating the wealth out of prosperity.
2. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving.
3. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else.
4. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it.
5. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that my dear friends, is the beginning of the end of any nation.


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Re: Add Princeton to the Mix
« Reply #19 on: November 24, 2015, 12:04:30 PM »
We need Nancy Reagan so bad right now!

And AC Slater!

There's no hope, with dope!
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