I finally threw up my hands and said it's time for the change. But as for Johnson, he is still Gus' guy. He's going to ride him at least another game. Not putting White in at any point says that Gus wanted JJ to build off what little positives there were in the second half. He's not yanking JJ. Not yet. But then, looking at my BFTC picks this week tells how skippy I am at predicting.

I know I'm in the minority on this one, but I didn't see the "quit" everyone's been referring to. Granted, Rudi's dumb ass totally whiffed on purpose when he had a shot at Fournette and I'm glad Danielson called him out on it. I still thought they played hard and were hitting right up to the end. I just can't figure out what's wrong with this whole picture. But quit? Didn't see that. Quit is 2012. Quit is the opposing team's players calling you out publically. 2012 was the only time in all the years of going to AU football games, that I walked out of the stadium in complete disgust and pissed that I spent time and money to come support guys who had mailed it in. Don't see that in this team so far and hope we don't.
Good to see Kerryon getting some reps and making the most out of it. He looked pretty damn good. Barber ran hard again. Just no break away speed.