Greedy Play calling? I've seen this posted and I be like
. Are there not usually 3 options/checkdowns
Not always. We have seen with Gus a lot in the past that he likes to send that one guy down the middle alone.
There may have been a back in the flats, or another outlet. But is looks like that all fall practice, the ball has been going deep. To know this is what you have been ding all summer and to see how tight UL was playing the deep ball, it was a bit greedy to call that play and hope your QB checks down to something he obviously has not done a lot of. (or maybe he just sucks at it) So it seems that the play calling had more go for broke calls than should have been. It bit us. Whether it was JJ not doing his job, or the coaches not recognizing the short game was more productive, it comes out looking like somebody wanted all the gold a little too much. This offense is supposed to be take what you are given, but we've seen a lot of forced long balls over the last few seasons. We also seem to forget there is a middle of the field. With a 6' 12" QB who can throw the dig and see the field, why are we still calling the same passing game the we used with NM?
This is a two-fold fix. JJ needs to relax and run or throw the ball away more. Or the coaches need to do a better job dictating the short passing game.
With Barber we will have a strong run game. now we need to get the ball into the playmakers' hands and let them run with it. And all of this "I don't want JJ running" BS has got to go. JJ needs to run more. there were several time it was pretty obvious that he should have kept it. He's no NM, but you have to keep the defense honest.
I saw a team with a ton of talent and a bit of disjoint on offense. Even reigned in, this offense can be devastating.
So to both the coaches and JJ, I say don't be greedy.