Okay, if I hear one more fucking "motherhood" organization saying Sarah Palin cannot be a mom to 5 kids and also be Vice President, I am going to go postal on someone. No one said that about Al Gore, or any other man - how come the raising of kids is only associated with the mom??? Clinton had Chelsea, Bush had the twins, Carter had that hag Amy - and no one said shit about that. That makes me fucking insane. Excuse me - does she not have a husband? Is he not capable of being a parent? Why does it have to be HER responsibility? What kind of mysogenistic bastards are these people, to keep saying that only women can be parents, and that women can ONLY be parents???
And while I am on the topic, I am only going to say one thing about her teenaged daughter being preggers. It is sad, but hey, it happens. She is choosing to keep the baby, and I thought the statement Palin put out was right on the money. She said she and her husband will be supportive of the daughter and the boyfriend/father, but that they are about to learn a tough lesson about the responsibilities of raising a child. WELL SAID.
I loved the comment in one article - the boyfriend was a "bad boy" and a "hell raiser". his crime? Fishing out of season.

Now the media needs to back the fuck off. leave the family alone. This has NOTHING to do with Palin's ability to be a Vice President.