I agree. I like Nirvana, but PJ to me was a much better group. Nirvana came on scene at the right time and opened the doors for a lot better groups. That decade did have the best music IMO, but that was my coming of age time. I'm sure some of you old bastards would say the same about your own era of music.
Don't necessarily disagree that Pearl Jam was the better band, but that's like saying Stryper had better musicians than KISS. Maybe they did, but the impact of the two was vastly different.
Jeremy was a good song, a little different and so mumbly I don't think anybody knows the words.
Teen Spirit was transformative. That song almost singlehandedly turned the direction of music away from the Poison, Twisted Sister, White Lion, Slaughter, Hanoi Rocks, Bon Jovi, Winger -- and yes, even KISS and Motley Crue -- pop rock that had taken hold in the 80s. It helped change American tastes when it came out in 1991. It helped boost the career of Guns and Roses and it opened the door to Alice in Chains, Seether, Bush, Green Day (bleh), Blink 182 and a whole new musical direction. The day that song hit the airwaves?

It was dead. Dead, dead, dead, dead, dead.

Almost overnight became this:

KISS even released an album that matched up well with the sound of the times (and is one of my favorite KISS CDs) but it was overshadowed and overwhelmed by the Reunion Tour and most people have forgotten it.

Note the very grunge look and feel. Released in 1997.
This reflects what KISS could have been had it not been trying to be KISS. No silly songs about Gene's dick or Paul's lady maneuvers or any of that. No pop, just strong grunge rock. Very undervalued album and one I hate that most fans missed. I love it.