Random musings and ramblings.
At this point, I don't know who's in or out as far as Republican candidates. We'll probably have about 15-20 before it's all said and done. IMO, unless someone steps up and takes the public interest by storm, it'll be a Hillary landslide. Told the wife that the other day and she was asking how that could be because nobody she knows backs Hillary or Obama. I said I think we're just in one small area of this country that's overwhelmingly conservative. Sheltered in one sense. The Presidency has become a popularity contest and the country just loves em' some Obama and Hillary. Policies be damned.
I've said many times how much I loathe politics. Yes, I've always leaned to the right when it comes to the higher political offices, mainly because I always feared we'd get someone like we've had the last 7 years who is so openly for so many things I'm against. And we're about to get 4-8 more years of the same, if not worse. I check out the Foxnews web page every day. Yes, I'm well aware of their agenda but that actually annoys the hell out of me because they're so over the top with it. I normally skip over the latest, daily Democrat controversy or conspiracy and enjoy the other news and layout of their page. But one thing you notice is that even though there seems to be a daily Hillary controversy....emails....Beghazi....foreign political contributions.....nobody gives a damn.
I believe she or Obama could rob a Brinks truck at gunpoint, get caught red handed on video and no one would blink an eye. While I certainly can't argue that the woman is not qualified for the El Presidente-ship, I think she's far dirtier than most. Yeah, they all dirty...but she set the bar. But NO...ONE...CARES. Not even my firm. I ramble on to ask, is there anyone out there that can offer any challenge? Anyone?