If you live in South Alabama you're already familiar with the story of Angel Downs and Stephen Nodine. She was a hot real estate agent. He was a stupid-looking county commissioner. He waaay outkicked his coverage (and his marriage) by landing her in a high profile affair. Then she ended up dead. He was charged, others said she killed herself. First jury deadlocked. DA got voted out, new DA declined to indict on murder. Criminally negligent homicide. Chipmunk bitch sister (see below) pissed and moaned and demanded a special prosecutor who went back and charged him anyway. Charge was dropped when he agreed to plead guilty to perjury (he originally claimed he couldn't afford a lawyer) and no contest to harassment (the sister bitch said he 'stalked' Downs by sending her texts and emails. He had consensually screwed her multiple times days before, had photos of them partying together at the beach the day she died, so how he could have stalked her is beyond me). Got ten years. Served two. Got out in October.
The story is now being profiled on TLC. I'm watching it because it's weird to see places I frequent, places I play golf and places I pass every day being part of a sensationalist story like this.
She was pretty hot.

He looks like a typical dumbass.

What really made this worth watching though was her dumbass, hillbilly, redneck sounding sister. Good lord, she's an embarrassment to the entire state. Her hairstyle is roaring hell. Her cheeks are so fucking fat that Marlon Brando wishes he'd had them in Godfather. She's either storing nuts in those damn things, chewing a big plug of redman or has an entire bale of cotton stuffed in both cheeks. She's fucking horrifying. I guarandamntee she's an Alabama fan.
Her name is Susan Bloodworth. I tried to find a photo of her online, but there's not one. I attached a shot of this countryfied hickie chick I took from my TV as an illustration just so you can see.
Before I watched this, I was 99% sure Nodine did it and got away with it. After seeing this heinous sister-bitch I now believe Downs most likely killed herself to keep from having to ever look at or hear that whining wildebeest again. She's an abominable abortion. Every time she opens her mouth or moves that enormous melon mane, I throw up in my mouth.