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Shut it down!


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Re: Shut it down!
« Reply #20 on: December 23, 2014, 07:09:47 AM »
He has cats.

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"Hey my friends are the ones that wanted to eat at that shitty hole in the wall that only served bread and wine.  What kind of brick and mud business model is that.  Stick to the cart if that's all you're going to serve.  Then that dude came in with like 12 other people, and some of them weren't even wearing shoes, and the restaurant sat them right across from us. It was gross, and they were all stinky and dirty.  Then dude starts talking about eating his body and drinking his blood...I almost lost it.  That's the last supper I'll ever have there, and I hope he dies a horrible death."


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Re: Shut it down!
« Reply #21 on: December 23, 2014, 02:37:04 PM »
He has cats.

You didn't get Prowler's Christmas card this year?
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Re: Shut it down!
« Reply #23 on: December 23, 2014, 10:35:52 PM »
Ya know, you can can  :taunt: this post all you want, but imo until we stop with the "black people did this, white people did that, cops totally did this" and focus on individual actions we will never heal.  History suggests that we will actually become more violent towards each other. All this crap does is incite people who are incapable of reason or understanding. Real or perceived atrocity cannot be used as an excuse to commit future atrocity or we will be stuck in an ever escalating cycle of violence.

I submit that we as a people reject any and all generic reports of "black guy or white guy" and insist that names be used and nothing else. After all, if we are fighting racism it only makes sense to stop using racial distinctions. I also submit that someone who acts outside of color of law to commit a crime is no longer a cop, but a criminal and should be referred to as such (after it is, you know, proven).

BOOM all of society's problems solved, pass me the beer.
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Re: Shut it down!
« Reply #24 on: December 23, 2014, 11:09:48 PM »
Ya know, you can can  :taunt: this post all you want, but imo until we stop with the "black people did this, white people did that, cops totally did this" and focus on individual actions we will never heal.  History suggests that we will actually become more violent towards each other. All this crap does is incite people who are incapable of reason or understanding. Real or perceived atrocity cannot be used as an excuse to commit future atrocity or we will be stuck in an ever escalating cycle of violence.

I submit that we as a people reject any and all generic reports of "black guy or white guy" and insist that names be used and nothing else. After all, if we are fighting racism it only makes sense to stop using racial distinctions. I also submit that someone who acts outside of color of law to commit a crime is no longer a cop, but a criminal and should be referred to as such (after it is, you know, proven).

BOOM all of society's problems solved, pass me the beer.

Herein lies the problem.  Not saying it's exclusive to black or white.  But in this case, the people who are protesting/rioting etc. are some of the most misguided, stupid mofos on the face of the earth. 
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Re: Shut it down!
« Reply #25 on: December 24, 2014, 12:32:06 AM »
Ya know, you can can  :taunt: this post all you want, but imo until we stop with the "black people did this, white people did that, cops totally did this" and focus on individual actions we will never heal.  History suggests that we will actually become more violent towards each other. All this crap does is incite people who are incapable of reason or understanding. Real or perceived atrocity cannot be used as an excuse to commit future atrocity or we will be stuck in an ever escalating cycle of violence.

I submit that we as a people reject any and all generic reports of "black guy or white guy" and insist that names be used and nothing else. After all, if we are fighting racism it only makes sense to stop using racial distinctions. I also submit that someone who acts outside of color of law to commit a crime is no longer a cop, but a criminal and should be referred to as such (after it is, you know, proven).

BOOM all of society's problems solved, pass me the beer.

I don't disagree but am curious as to how you expect a dispatcher to tell you a suspect's description without including skin color.  "Sum dood in a white shirt and jeans" doesn't exactly narrow the suspect field. 
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Re: Shut it down!
« Reply #26 on: December 24, 2014, 12:50:11 AM »
Herein lies the problem.  Not saying it's exclusive to black or white.  But in this case, the people who are protesting/rioting etc. are some of the most misguided, stupid mofos on the face of the earth.

I think there are several factors at play here.

One: as you mentioned, a certain percentage of the population will always be ignorant. Hell, talk to some bama fans to understand that. Some folks are incapable of reason and self awareness. You'll never change them.

Two: We now get our media in an echo chamber. Conservatives watch fox, liberals watch CNN and they both visit rather more extreme news sites (often with even more dubious journalistic practices). They hear from literally only people who agree with their point of view most of the day. Both media bases are now pandering to the lowest common denominator type stories designed specifically to both enhance controversy and oversimplify issues (WHITE cop kills BLACK KID in a predictable outcome of violent decisions because RACISM or BLACK lunatic with serious mental illness KILLS COPS BECAUSE AL SHARPTON TOLD HIM TO in much the same way catcher in the rye told that other lunatic to kill)
Sidebar: The media now reminds me of that Pierce Brosnan James Bond villain, the one who created horrible events and then covered them for profit. They're pretty shameless about setting these fires and gleefully covering all the LCDs.

Three: Much like we see in sports fan bases, it feels good to belong to a group. And you hate to hear someone attacking your own group. As soon as you start to feel a part of one its easy to make the other guys THEM and you're an US. Whatever US happens to do is okay, because they're the good guys. Whatever THEM does is evil, because they're the bad guys. The media is using this (and other simple techniques) to set us against each other. Sadly, they're doing it for the money rather than true belief in an issue. To a certain extent you'll never totally eliminate this impulse, but it helps to be aware of this kind of mind control technique.

All this combines into a turd tornado. Mentally ill people use it as an excuse to kill more people, the government uses it as an excuse to spend more money and pass more laws and your grandma uses it as an excuse to say racist things.

I think if the media had been a touch more responsible we wouldn't be where we are. Frankly, I think the Ferguson incident was a total non-issue from start to finish and all the property damage and injuries resulting from the panic lies totally on the shoulders of the media. The Garner case (well, the second one) on the face of it looked a little trickier, but I was hardly surprised to hear of the outcome. I think all the folks beating the "new laws" and "harsh police tactics" drums will probably be confronted with the fact that most of our current police tactics are written in the blood of slain police officers, and are thus difficult to discount, particularly if you care whether or not you have any police around once you get the laws passed. If I got the idea that my life was worth less to the public than the violent felon I was trying to arrest I wouldn't even turn my shit in, I would just call them and tell them to come get it themselves. 
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Re: Shut it down!
« Reply #27 on: December 24, 2014, 12:55:13 AM »
I don't disagree but am curious as to how you expect a dispatcher to tell you a suspect's description without including skin color.  "Sum dood in a white shirt and jeans" doesn't exactly narrow the suspect field.

haha not exactly what I was talking about.
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Re: Shut it down!
« Reply #28 on: December 24, 2014, 09:12:36 AM »

Police: Missouri officer kills man who pulled gun

Associated Press
1 hour ago

Scuffles broke out early Wednesday between police officers and a vocal crowd of several hundred people who taunted the officers at the scene of the late Tuesday shooting in Berkeley, Missouri. Police have not released details of any arrests. Berkeley is just a few miles from Ferguson, where a white police officer fatally shot black 18-year-old Michael Brown in August.

Authorities have not released any information about the identity or ethnicity of the man killed Tuesday or the police officer who shot him.

According to a statement from St. Louis County police spokesman Sgt. Brian Schellman, a Berkeley police officer was conducting a routine business check at a gas station around 11:15 p.m. Tuesday when he approached two men.

One of the men pulled a handgun and pointed it at the officer, Schellman said. The officer fired several shots, fatally wounding the man. The second man fled, and the dead man's handgun has been recovered, according to Schellman.

The St. Louis County Police Department is handling the investigation, and no further details about the incident were immediately available.

Authorities did not immediately identify the man who was shot. But the St. Louis Post-Dispatch reported that a woman at the scene, Toni Martin, said he was her son, 18-year-old Antonio Martin.

Toni Martin told the newspaper that her son was with his girlfriend at the time of the shooting.

The protesters who gathered early Wednesday milled around the gas pumps at the station, some yelling at police officers. Some wore strands of yellow police-line tape draped around their neck, with others using it as a headband.

Authorities from multiple agencies, some in riot gear, stood among the protesters.

Across the street, the glass doors of a convenience store were shattered, one of the doors left hanging from a single hinge. Police stood guard, turning people away.

The crowd dispersed but police officers remained at the scene as dawn approached.

Orlando Brown, 36, of nearby St. Charles was among the protesters. He said he didn't have all the details about the shooting but said he wondered if it was a case of police aggression.

"I understand police officers have a job and have an obligation to go home to their families at the end of the night," he said. "But do you have to treat every situation with lethal force? ... It's not a racial issue, or black or white. It's wrong or right."

Brown said he was pepper-sprayed during the protest as police tried to separate him from a friend whose hand he was holding. He said his friend was arrested for failing to disperse.

Brown's death led to weeks of protests and some looting in the St. Louis area, actions that were renewed last month when a grand jury chose not to indict Officer Darren Wilson in the killing.

Orlando Brown and this dude's momma (Toni) really need a head thumping. It's clear that neither have any idea what little Antonio was up to but they damn sure didn't waste an opportunity to make something up. #burnthisbitchdown
« Last Edit: December 24, 2014, 09:14:12 AM by Catphish Tilly »
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Re: Shut it down!
« Reply #29 on: December 24, 2014, 10:27:10 AM »

Orlando Brown and this dude's momma (Toni) really need a head thumping. It's clear that neither have any idea what little Antonio was up to but they damn sure didn't waste an opportunity to make something up. #burnthisbitchdown

Maybe the dude that was shot figured that some folks needed to do some last minute shopping looting so he took the bullet for that group.

That douche bag of a Pres could defuse this whole situation if he would just come out say that this guy was wrong. But, only white cops are wrong with this administration. 
« Last Edit: December 24, 2014, 10:35:52 AM by dallaswareagle »
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