I've come to like this show very much.
I wasn't a big fan of the measured pace at first, but over time it has grown on me. I appreciate the attention to detail. I'm just so used to shows so desperate to stay on the schedule that they blow their wad early and have nothing left, I guess, that I wanted the quick fix.
I'm still waiting for him to become Saul, but that looks like it may be even another season off. Three episodes left, so it may still happen. If it doesn't? I'm fine with that.
I wondered if Vince G was a one-hit wonder and doubted he could recreate the power of Breaking Bad. What's interesting to me is that this is a very, very different show that's set in the same universe. It tackles similar themes of personal morality and the vast grey area that exists between right and wrong, but handles those themes in a completely different manner. And yet does so with just as much skill and with a touch just as deft.
I was impatient in the beginning, but am now along for the ride. It's not "must see" yet like Breaking Bad was. I don't build my schedule so I can watch in real time, but I'm always glad to find it on the DVR on a Monday night.