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The Blazers blaze no more


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Re: The Blazers blaze no more
« Reply #20 on: December 03, 2014, 10:39:43 AM »

I did but hell, everyone on the planet with half a functioning brain knows about their history.  Wonder how many letters Spurrier wrote.  Forget letters, he just flat out said it publically. 

He basically confronted them on it, told the public and told them to lick his balls while he was at it. This was a major figure at an in state school. Not some blogger or writer.  No way that would go unanswered, even if 20 years later. UAB was an enemy on the proverbial hit list. They understood what we understand about Bama. BUT.... were small enough to squash into oblivion. Auburn is not. HBC is not.
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Re: The Blazers blaze no more
« Reply #21 on: December 03, 2014, 11:05:01 AM »
I'm not questioning any of this.  Sounds like some of you are far more knowledgeable about the animosity between UAB and UAT than I am.  Wasn't really aware of it.  The question I do have is why?  What threat is UAB now or have they ever been to UAT?  Athletically, they have a normally competitive basketball program.  Nothing great.  They make a little more noise than Auburn on occasion.  They started the football program in 1991 as a Division III independent, long after Drunk Bear died. They've struggled since day 1 and this year's 6-6 record is like worst to first for them. 

Other than the odd recruit in basketball, they're never going to steal players from UAT in any sport.  They only averaged 134 people a game in football attendance so no threat there.  Again, not saying Drunk Jr. doesn't want them squashed.  Had no idea.  Just wondering why when they're less a threat to UAT than Troy would be to Auburn?

You're looking at it from the comfort of 2014 when UAB has been routinely stifled over the past few decades until PBJ finally saw the opportunity to squash the football program.

I wouldn't doubt he has similar aspirations with the UAB basketball program.

Alabama created "UAB" a while back and called it the Extension Center for Alabama academics.  Its purpose was to relocate and establish the state's medical school while serving as a less reputable center of classes that could serve the Birmingham area.  Essentially, it was a money maker for the university without costing too much.

UAB became self-aware in the 60s and was granted autonomy within the University of Alabama education system.  This meant that UAB was its own university except that it had to clear everything through the UA BOT. 

UAB now is not a threat to the University of Alabama.  However, it could have been.  It's 55 miles away from Tuscaloosa.  It's the state's largest employer.  Its medical school is one of the best in the nation and one of the top ones in the Southeast.  It's in a large city (one that has had its ups and downs, yes). 

UAB offers plenty of options that neither Alabama nor Auburn can offer.  It could have built a 45k seat stadium that would have complemented the new Regions field.  It could easily have the state's #1 basketball program. 

No, it would not have competed in football with Alabama or Auburn.  At least not any time now.  Probably never.  But it could have taken some spotlight, some revenue, some TV time, some news time, some online time away from the University of Alabama.  Auburn too.  But much more so Alabama. 

Also think back to when this all started with Bear Bryant.  Think about where Auburn was as a football program until Lowder and Dye came along.  Auburn was good, yes, but almost left behind as Alabama was crowning itself king of football thanks to rampant cheating in recruiting from very giving boosters.  Think about programs like Florida State and Penn State.  More recently, Louisville and Kansas State.  Small time schools with little hope of ever breaking into the spotlight CAN if they get the right coach, right facilities, and right support. 

UAB could have had plenty of financial support for athletics (doctors and researchers can make a fuck ton of money; plus some of the most profitable businesses in the state reside in Birmingham).  They were situated in the middle of an area with almost a million people. 

So again, maybe not now or any time recently, but this is the final nail in the coffin that was first hammered back in the 70s thanks to Bryant, cronyism, and an unhealthy obsession with Crimson Tide football. 
« Last Edit: December 03, 2014, 11:06:44 AM by Townhallsavoy »
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The Guy That Knows Nothing of Hyperbole


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Re: The Blazers blaze no more
« Reply #22 on: December 03, 2014, 11:16:35 AM »
You're looking at it from the comfort of 2014 when UAB has been routinely stifled over the past few decades until PBJ finally saw the opportunity to squash the football program.

I wouldn't doubt he has similar aspirations with the UAB basketball program.

Alabama created "UAB" a while back and called it the Extension Center for Alabama academics.  Its purpose was to relocate and establish the state's medical school while serving as a less reputable center of classes that could serve the Birmingham area.  Essentially, it was a money maker for the university without costing too much.

UAB became self-aware in the 60s and was granted autonomy within the University of Alabama education system.  This meant that UAB was its own university except that it had to clear everything through the UA BOT. 

UAB now is not a threat to the University of Alabama.  However, it could have been.  It's 55 miles away from Tuscaloosa.  It's the state's largest employer.  Its medical school is one of the best in the nation and one of the top ones in the Southeast.  It's in a large city (one that has had its ups and downs, yes). 

UAB offers plenty of options that neither Alabama nor Auburn can offer.  It could have built a 45k seat stadium that would have complemented the new Regions field.  It could easily have the state's #1 basketball program. 

No, it would not have competed in football with Alabama or Auburn.  At least not any time now.  Probably never.  But it could have taken some spotlight, some revenue, some TV time, some news time, some online time away from the University of Alabama.  Auburn too.  But much more so Alabama. 

Also think back to when this all started with Bear Bryant.  Think about where Auburn was as a football program until Lowder and Dye came along.  Auburn was good, yes, but almost left behind as Alabama was crowning itself king of football thanks to rampant cheating in recruiting from very giving boosters.  Think about programs like Florida State and Penn State.  More recently, Louisville and Kansas State.  Small time schools with little hope of ever breaking into the spotlight CAN if they get the right coach, right facilities, and right support. 

UAB could have had plenty of financial support for athletics (doctors and researchers can make a fuck ton of money; plus some of the most profitable businesses in the state reside in Birmingham).  They were situated in the middle of an area with almost a million people. 

So again, maybe not now or any time recently, but this is the final nail in the coffin that was first hammered back in the 70s thanks to Bryant, cronyism, and an unhealthy obsession with Crimson Tide football.

Except for "Its medical school is one of the best in the nation and one of the top ones in the Southeast."

Its for the people who can't get into Tulane, Vandy, Emory or Duke iffin were being honest here.

But yeah, pretty spot on write up dude.
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Re: The Blazers blaze no more
« Reply #23 on: December 03, 2014, 11:43:48 AM »
He's only 15. How would he remember any of this.  As far as where we were as a football program, I do think some are too young to recall what it was really like.  Auburn has always been a program on a rollercoaster.  We've never been left behind by Bama or even almost left behind. We enjoyed 25 years of solid success under Shug, including a MNC.  Exit Shug, enter Doug.  Several years of suckage.  Dougie is out, Dye takes over and Bear or no Bear, Auburn enjoyed one of the best stretches in it's history. 

Keep it down home, cuz and the program is down a few years.  Tater Tot comes in and goes 22-1-1.  Tot screws it up and in comes Tommy.  Say what you will but we had some pretty damn good years under Tubby and won far more than we lost, including 6 in a row against Bear is Dead.  No need to go on...it's just Auburn football.  It's the way it is and always has been regardless of whether Bear Bryant was alive or dead. 

As for UAB, I think the possibilities are way overstated.  No offense to you Ham'rs but that city has a long history of fail and non support when it comes to sports.  UAB never was, never will be any kind of threat to the major powers whether Drunk Jr. hated them or not.
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Re: The Blazers blaze no more
« Reply #24 on: December 03, 2014, 11:50:27 AM »
Bill Clark.
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Re: The Blazers blaze no more
« Reply #25 on: December 03, 2014, 12:14:24 PM »
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Re: The Blazers blaze no more
« Reply #26 on: December 03, 2014, 12:30:32 PM »
Don't tease you bastard

Blue Horseshoe loves Anacott Steel and Bill Clark
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Re: The Blazers blaze no more
« Reply #27 on: December 03, 2014, 12:55:25 PM »
He's only 15. How would he remember any of this.  As far as where we were as a football program, I do think some are too young to recall what it was really like.  Auburn has always been a program on a rollercoaster.  We've never been left behind by Bama or even almost left behind. We enjoyed 25 years of solid success under Shug, including a MNC.  Exit Shug, enter Doug.  Several years of suckage.  Dougie is out, Dye takes over and Bear or no Bear, Auburn enjoyed one of the best stretches in it's history. 

Keep it down home, cuz and the program is down a few years.  Tater Tot comes in and goes 22-1-1.  Tot screws it up and in comes Tommy.  Say what you will but we had some pretty damn good years under Tubby and won far more than we lost, including 6 in a row against Bear is Dead.  No need to go on...it's just Auburn football.  It's the way it is and always has been regardless of whether Bear Bryant was alive or dead. 

As for UAB, I think the possibilities are way overstated.  No offense to you Ham'rs but that city has a long history of fail and non support when it comes to sports.  UAB never was, never will be any kind of threat to the major powers whether Drunk Jr. hated them or not.

You've got a lot wrong here.

There was an elevation of money and TV exposure in the late 70s and early 80s that Auburn was most certainly not going to be part of.  Not to mention, facility upgrades were happening around this time similar to how they're happening now. 

Bobby Lowder, as much as many hate him, kept Auburn with the big boys.  Pat Dye as much as we think we love him, kept Auburn competitive. 

Bo Over the Top has some implications off the field that are astronomical. 
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Re: The Blazers blaze no more
« Reply #28 on: December 03, 2014, 01:28:46 PM »
Bo Over the Top has some implications off the field that are astronomical.

You have no idea.  It changed the entire world.

Before Bo crashed over the line the Bama contingent had gotten comfortable.  We were second class citizens in every way. Nine years of dominance that featured multiple NCs on their part had infused the university, the administration and the ragtag sidewalk hillbilly fanbase with a sense of superiority and invulnerability.  We were just that little bitty pesky gnat, no more significant to them than Mississippi State.  If we won, it was a fluke.  If we lost it was our destiny, our lot in life. 

Remnants of that attitude persist today. 

That smug sense of superiority filtered out to the media, state and eventually national.  It lived on through people like Keith Jackson and was passed down to Verne, Brent, and all the old guard.  They've handed it on to people like Kirk, C.Fowler and that generation aided and abetted by the (grudgingly brilliant) move by UA to pump up the journalism department and spread people sympathetic to their win at all costs fanaticism to every major media outlet in the country.  When you actually step back and look at how many of their people lurk in major markets it's staggering. 

Then in 1981 we hired Dye.  He wasn't satisfied to play aw shucks little brother to Alabama. Believe it or not, there were people who resisted that.  They were afraid of upsetting big bad bama and didn't want to take them on directly like Dye did. 

When Bo crossed the goal line, it broke everything for them.  When we continued to compete with them and began to surpass them in numerous ways it set their machine in motion.  They were determined then (and remain determined now) to drive us into the ground.  This is what I've been preaching for decades This is why I believe we HAVE to confront their cheating and bullshit openly and make a case of it.  They have less time to spend on destroying us when they have to spend time defending themselves. 

This is what Bo's dive wrought:

1) Vast improvements to Jordan Hare Stadium
2) The death of the old Iron Bowl where despite claims of 50/50, Alabama always had the upper hand
3) The eventual decal of Legion Field
4) The loss of Birmingham's claim to "Football Capitol of the South"
5) An orchestrated campaign to smear Dye and find some way to get him out of Auburn -- it worked.  UA and the city of Birmingham (Arrington) teamed up to take Dye down.
6) A retaliatory campaign (for the first time) to force the NCAA to finally look in Tuscaloosa's direction. And it worked.
7) A coaching carousel in Tuscaloosa as they tried to keep AU from getting ahead of them
8) Gene stallings and a return to the cheating ways that are the only way they can stay relevant.
9) Major construction to Big Dipshit Stadium in order to compete with Jordan Hare
10) An orchestrated campaign to discredit and destroy Bobby Lowder (it worked)
11) An orchestrated campaign to destroy Cam Newton and his family because he was going to give AU something that would make us even more equal
12) The hiring of Nick Saban and a return to the rampant blatant cheating that has always been their hallmark and the only way they can remain competitive. But they'd learned.  When they started it back this time, they made sure they had the people in place to keep things buried. 

There's more, but if Bo doesn't crack the goal line in 1982 the football world as we know it would be vastly changed for the worse.  You think you're sick of it now, Townhall?  You should have lived through it then.  It's the same story all over again. 

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Re: The Blazers blaze no more
« Reply #29 on: December 03, 2014, 02:01:52 PM »
You have no idea.  It changed the entire world.

Before Bo crashed over the line the Bama contingent had gotten comfortable.  We were second class citizens in every way. Nine years of dominance that featured multiple NCs on their part had infused the university, the administration and the ragtag sidewalk hillbilly fanbase with a sense of superiority and invulnerability.  We were just that little bitty pesky gnat, no more significant to them than Mississippi State.  If we won, it was a fluke.  If we lost it was our destiny, our lot in life. 

Remnants of that attitude persist today. 

That smug sense of superiority filtered out to the media, state and eventually national.  It lived on through people like Keith Jackson and was passed down to Verne, Brent, and all the old guard.  They've handed it on to people like Kirk, C.Fowler and that generation aided and abetted by the (grudgingly brilliant) move by UA to pump up the journalism department and spread people sympathetic to their win at all costs fanaticism to every major media outlet in the country.  When you actually step back and look at how many of their people lurk in major markets it's staggering. 

Then in 1981 we hired Dye.  He wasn't satisfied to play aw shucks little brother to Alabama. Believe it or not, there were people who resisted that.  They were afraid of upsetting big bad bama and didn't want to take them on directly like Dye did. 

When Bo crossed the goal line, it broke everything for them.  When we continued to compete with them and began to surpass them in numerous ways it set their machine in motion.  They were determined then (and remain determined now) to drive us into the ground.  This is what I've been preaching for decades This is why I believe we HAVE to confront their cheating and bullshit openly and make a case of it.  They have less time to spend on destroying us when they have to spend time defending themselves. 

This is what Bo's dive wrought:

1) Vast improvements to Jordan Hare Stadium
2) The death of the old Iron Bowl where despite claims of 50/50, Alabama always had the upper hand
3) The eventual decal of Legion Field
4) The loss of Birmingham's claim to "Football Capitol of the South"
5) An orchestrated campaign to smear Dye and find some way to get him out of Auburn -- it worked.  UA and the city of Birmingham (Arrington) teamed up to take Dye down.
6) A retaliatory campaign (for the first time) to force the NCAA to finally look in Tuscaloosa's direction. And it worked.
7) A coaching carousel in Tuscaloosa as they tried to keep AU from getting ahead of them
8) Gene stallings and a return to the cheating ways that are the only way they can stay relevant.
9) Major construction to Big Dipshit Stadium in order to compete with Jordan Hare
10) An orchestrated campaign to discredit and destroy Bobby Lowder (it worked)
11) An orchestrated campaign to destroy Cam Newton and his family because he was going to give AU something that would make us even more equal
12) The hiring of Nick Saban and a return to the rampant blatant cheating that has always been their hallmark and the only way they can remain competitive. But they'd learned.  When they started it back this time, they made sure they had the people in place to keep things buried. 

There's more, but if Bo doesn't crack the goal line in 1982 the football world as we know it would be vastly changed for the worse.  You think you're sick of it now, Townhall?  You should have lived through it then.  It's the same story all over again.

 :thumsup: #winning :aubie:
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A veteran is someone who, at one point in his life, wrote a blank check made payable to 'The United States of America ' for an amount of 'up to and including my life.' That is Honor, and there are way too many people in this country who no longer understand it.'


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Re: The Blazers blaze no more
« Reply #30 on: December 03, 2014, 02:29:44 PM »
You've got a lot wrong here.

There was an elevation of money and TV exposure in the late 70s and early 80s that Auburn was most certainly not going to be part of.  Not to mention, facility upgrades were happening around this time similar to how they're happening now. 

Bobby Lowder, as much as many hate him, kept Auburn with the big boys.  Pat Dye as much as we think we love him, kept Auburn competitive. 

Bo Over the Top has some implications off the field that are astronomical.

No, I don't.  I lived it.  I was at AU when Dye was hired and all the upgrades, starting with the stadium began.  I'm not even remotely questioning Dye's or Lowder's impact on Auburn and Auburn athletics.   
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Re: The Blazers blaze no more
« Reply #31 on: December 03, 2014, 03:04:32 PM »
No, I don't.  I lived it.  I was at AU when Dye was hired and all the upgrades, starting with the stadium began.  I'm not even remotely questioning Dye's or Lowder's impact on Auburn and Auburn athletics.   

I'd fuck either one of them. 
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Re: The Blazers blaze no more
« Reply #32 on: December 03, 2014, 03:23:32 PM »
I'd fuck either one of them.

Okay now that's just gross.  Do you know how old these guys are?
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Re: The Blazers blaze no more
« Reply #33 on: December 03, 2014, 03:36:49 PM »
Okay now that's just gross.  Do you know how old these guys are?

FLIF'S   ?   
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A veteran is someone who, at one point in his life, wrote a blank check made payable to 'The United States of America ' for an amount of 'up to and including my life.' That is Honor, and there are way too many people in this country who no longer understand it.'

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Re: The Blazers blaze no more
« Reply #34 on: December 03, 2014, 06:33:26 PM »
Okay now that's just gross.  Do you know how old these guys are?

if loving them is wrong, K don't wanna be right.
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"I'm sick of following my dreams...I'm just going to ask them where they are going and hook up with 'em later." - Mitch Hedberg