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Motherfucking Game Week


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Re: Motherfucking Game Week
« Reply #80 on: August 29, 2014, 11:03:39 AM »
It's still one game.  One single game.
And it only took one game to have a better one game than any of Manziel's one games.

To poo poo that as an anomaly is what I think is foolhardy.

I'm not saying to lock in your Heisman vote before the first Saturday of college football, but I saw enough to know that he and that A&M team are no joke whatsoever.
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Re: Motherfudgeing Game Week
« Reply #81 on: August 29, 2014, 11:09:11 AM »
And it only took one game to have a better one game than any of Manziel's one games.

To poo poo that as an anomaly is what I think is foolhardy.

I'm not saying to lock in your Heisman vote before the first Saturday of college football, but I saw enough to know that he and that A&M team are no joke whatsoever.
I don't think the consensus is that A&M or da new boy are a joke. It's just that SC defense looked so shitty. Hard to crown him when the db's weren't in the same zip code on many of the completed passes.

He looked really, really good--in the first game. He may continue, who knows. But I would guess he'll come down to earth when he faces some more experienced db's and a better defense overall. I mean, really, SC's d not only looked bad, they are not in shape and thin in depth. It was pitiful.
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Re: Motherfudgeing Game Week
« Reply #82 on: August 29, 2014, 11:19:28 AM »
The elephant in the room is that many of you and many of the so-called experts on t.v. picked SC because Sumlin happens to be black.
Is the DC a black gentleman?
If so, I want to issue a shoutout for leaving that abysmal defense of his back at College Station. Well done brother!
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Re: Motherfucking Game Week
« Reply #83 on: August 29, 2014, 11:20:08 AM »
And it only took one game to have a better one game than any of Manziel's one games.

To poo poo that as an anomaly is what I think is foolhardy.

I'm not saying to lock in your Heisman vote before the first Saturday of college football, but I saw enough to know that he and that A&M team are no joke whatsoever.

I think to make ANY assumption other than he was good for this 1 game, when he's only played 1 game is foolhardy.

Yes, he played great and balled his lights out. But it is one game. Thats the only sampling we have right now. Its not necessarily an indicator of what he will do on a regular basis. He may. But we don't know that yet. Its much easier to catch a team off guard during the first 1/4 of the season than it is the middle or end. It would have been like predicting how awful we were going to be after seeing our team perform against WSU, MSU and LSU. Some teams and players get better as the season goes on. Some go in reverse. Let's just see the kid play more than 1 game before annointing him Manziel's right hand man.
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Re: Motherfucking Game Week
« Reply #84 on: August 29, 2014, 11:28:59 AM »
And it might not be a stretch for Sumlin to allow Hill to continue on his torrid pace in order to rid themselves of JFF's shadow. So they ring in a new regime instead of running the ball with a backup in game manager mode as most senior coaches will do because one day the shoe might be on the other foot and thinking it's better not to show another coach up.

Yeah I know it's Spurrier!
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Re: Motherfucking Game Week
« Reply #85 on: August 29, 2014, 11:39:15 AM »
I think to make ANY assumption other than he was good for this 1 game, when he's only played 1 game is foolhardy.

Yes, he played great and balled his lights out. But it is one game. Thats the only sampling we have right now. Its not necessarily an indicator of what he will do on a regular basis. He may. But we don't know that yet. Its much easier to catch a team off guard during the first 1/4 of the season than it is the middle or end. It would have been like predicting how awful we were going to be after seeing our team perform against WSU, MSU and LSU. Some teams and players get better as the season goes on. Some go in reverse. Let's just see the kid play more than 1 game before annointing him Manziel's right hand man.
This is true. The same can be said for 2010. Several knee knocking close calls, some surprising blowouts but a journey from start to finish.
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Re: Motherfucking Game Week
« Reply #86 on: August 29, 2014, 11:50:08 AM »
I think to make ANY assumption other than he was good for this 1 game, when he's only played 1 game is foolhardy.

Yes, he played great and balled his lights out. But it is one game. Thats the only sampling we have right now. Its not necessarily an indicator of what he will do on a regular basis. He may. But we don't know that yet. Its much easier to catch a team off guard during the first 1/4 of the season than it is the middle or end. It would have been like predicting how awful we were going to be after seeing our team perform against WSU, MSU and LSU. Some teams and players get better as the season goes on. Some go in reverse. Let's just see the kid play more than 1 game before annointing him Manziel's right hand man.

I wish you'd tell the Aggies here at work this.  The most insufferable is this attorney who was never a college football fan until his daughter went to TCU.  Now he is the world's biggest CFB fan and a pompous ass to boot.  He has glommed onto the Aggies for some reason.  So HIS opinions are the only ones that matter because HE knows so much more about it than anyone else, blah fucking blah. I am terribly busy at work these days, very stressed out, so I threw him out of my office today when he came in to crow about how TAMU is gonna win it all.

Fuck that noise.
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Re: Motherfucking Game Week
« Reply #87 on: August 29, 2014, 11:58:22 AM »
Our new deputy manager is an aTm grad, and I had to train him on our software this morning.  I was expecting to hear all about the game last night, but he didn't say a word about football.  I was shocked, especially since I was wearing my Auburn polo.
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Re: Motherfudgeing Game Week
« Reply #88 on: August 29, 2014, 12:15:14 PM »
Our new deputy manager is an aTm grad, and I had to train him on our software this morning.  I was expecting to hear all about the game last night, but he didn't say a word about football.  I was shocked, especially since I was wearing my Auburn polo.
He was probably just quiet because he doesn't like you.
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Re: Motherfucking Game Week
« Reply #89 on: August 29, 2014, 12:27:20 PM »

It was one game.

Yeah people need to cool their jets on Kenny Hill.  So he threw some great passes against a USCe defense that was all around unprepared for opening weekend. 

Call me when Hill continues to dominate SEC defenses after they've had film on him. 

Not saying he didn't look incredible and not saying he doesn't have huge potential, but to anoint him higher than what was a top 5 dual-threat quarterback in cfb history this early is foolhardy. 

I think to make ANY assumption other than he was good for this 1 game, when he's only played 1 game is foolhardy.

Yes, he played great and balled his lights out. But it is one game. Thats the only sampling we have right now. Its not necessarily an indicator of what he will do on a regular basis. He may. But we don't know that yet. Its much easier to catch a team off guard during the first 1/4 of the season than it is the middle or end. It would have been like predicting how awful we were going to be after seeing our team perform against WSU, MSU and LSU. Some teams and players get better as the season goes on. Some go in reverse. Let's just see the kid play more than 1 game before annointing him Manziel's right hand man.

Agree.  Now if he continues to blow away Manziel's numbers then we can talk more. 
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Re: Motherfucking Game Week
« Reply #90 on: August 29, 2014, 01:16:08 PM »
Our new deputy manager is an aTm grad, and I had to train him on our software this morning.  I was expecting to hear all about the game last night, but he didn't say a word about football.  I was shocked, especially since I was wearing my Auburn polo.
Keepin the brotha down.
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Re: Motherfucking Game Week
« Reply #91 on: August 29, 2014, 01:49:03 PM »
Agree.  Now if he continues to blow away Manziel's numbers then we can talk more.

People also foolishly jumped on the "Tajh Boyd is the best thing evar!" bandwagon the last two years after 3-4 games. Things can change is all Imma sayin. I hope the kid does well...because it would bode bad for the Turds.
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Re: Motherfucking Game Week
« Reply #92 on: August 29, 2014, 02:11:49 PM »
"What did ya think about that 3-4 defense?"

Cracked me up.

So I guess the heisman is down to the A&M guy and that QB from OU who punked bama. Because one game.

Read and react defenses like UA and SC which come from programs that rely on a more conventional dropback/downhill attack are ill prepared to handle offenses like AU, Tamu, etc.

When all you have is fast -- like Oregon -- teams like bama and Stanford  can lean on them and wear that out.  When leaning doesn't work they have to try to keep up. Barring a shitaculaf defense (tamu 2013) or a garbage QB and enormous talent gap (OM) they can't.

Credit Tuberville for trying to go this route in 2008. Too bad he chose franklin and not malzahn.
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Re: Motherfucking Game Week
« Reply #93 on: August 29, 2014, 02:25:40 PM »
"What did ya think about that 3-4 defense?"

Cracked me up.

So I guess the heisman is down to the A&M guy and that QB from OU who punked bama. Because one game.

Read and react defenses like UA and SC which come from programs that rely on a more conventional dropback/downhill attack are ill prepared to handle offenses like AU, Tamu, etc.

When all you have is fast -- like Oregon -- teams like bama and Stanford  can lean on them and wear that out.  When leaning doesn't work they have to try to keep up. Barring a shitaculaf defense (tamu 2013) or a garbage QB and enormous talent gap (OM) they can't.

Credit Tuberville for trying to go this route in 2008. Too bad he chose franklin and not malzahn.

What happened to Baylor last year is they ran into a team that had the same high octane that could match them in Okl State. And like TAMU, they had a crappy D. I still hold to the belief that TAMU was the best team at the end of 2012. Losing 2 out of the gate hurt them. I have nothing against TAMU and I like Sumlin. He's another thorn in the side of Sabbens and the turds. He's also a new approach coach. Look around - the old style philosophies are losing out at a rapid pace. The new head guy at Vandy that came from Stanford laid an absolute egg last night. Richt? Blah. Spurrier? Good but losing ground now. Saban, Billemia? Losing ground. Muschamp? See last year. Mullens has tried to be old school even he has a back ground in being innovative getting players in space.

Gus, Sumlin, Jones, Pinkel all run up tempo/spread stuff. As does Freeze (except he isnt half the total coach that the others are). Pinkel makes up for talent with great coaching. The first will have the talent just because of where they are at. If Art Briles could get a decent D at Baylor, they could be nasty.
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Re: Motherfucking Game Week
« Reply #94 on: August 29, 2014, 02:45:38 PM »
Y'all can chock it up to a shitty SC D all you want, but this A&M team is for real.

Kenny Hill > Johnny Manziel and it is acutely apparent after one game.

Despite the butterflies one would expect from a first time QB in a big game on the road like this, he displayed a poise that Johnny never did. No flailing around. And he wasn't picking favorite targets. He was spreading it around the field.

This game was a turning point for A&M that just legitimized them as a program & Sumlin as a coach.

I think they would have skullfucked Bama just as bad as they did SC if they had played them this week instead. Still think they have a very good chance of beating them, which is the good news, since they wouldn't have had to play SC. The gap in the difficulty between their schedule & ours just tightened dramatically. The bad news is, I'm now more afraid of A&M than I was of SC to begin with. The other good news is we play them both at home, and we'll have two extra weeks to know more about this A&M team before we play them, so in the end it's really a wash on the difficulty of our schedule.

And preseason rankings are worthless pieces of shit, but if we insist on having them, they need to be extremely volatile, especially after week one. There's no doubt to me A&M should be a Top 10 team. Really, A&M & SC should flip-flop their rankings to start week two. But that won't happen. They'll meet in the middle and somehow SC will probably still be ranked above them, which is asinine.

Premature Ejaculation much?
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Re: Motherfucking Game Week
« Reply #95 on: August 29, 2014, 02:47:25 PM »
Whatever. I still am not looking forward to playing them. Too many good teams to have to face another.

As I watched USCe, I kept thinking i was watching AU's secondary/defense of 2012.
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Five statements of WISDOM
1. You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity, by legislating the wealth out of prosperity.
2. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving.
3. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else.
4. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it.
5. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that my dear friends, is the beginning of the end of any nation.


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Re: Motherfucking Game Week
« Reply #96 on: August 29, 2014, 02:55:56 PM »
Y'all are some whistling past the graveyard motherfuckers.

I'm not saying I'm shitting my pants in fear already, but they are for real. Book it. Yes, I can tell that from one game. I think they'll outscore both Bama & LSU with that offense. Definitely both Mississippi schools.

I look forward to pointing back to this thread when I'm inevitably proven right. Hopefully not after an Auburn loss.
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Re: Motherfucking Game Week
« Reply #97 on: August 29, 2014, 03:13:16 PM »
Y'all are some whistling past the graveyard motherfuckers.

I'm not saying I'm shitting my pants in fear already, but they are for real. Book it. Yes, I can tell that from one game. I think they'll outscore both Bama & LSU with that offense. Definitely both Mississippi schools.

I look forward to pointing back to this thread when I'm inevitably proven right. Hopefully not after an Auburn loss.
I think we ought to forfeit now rather than suffer the beat down that's coming our way. Will you hold my hand Chizad? I'm a bit flustered.
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Re: Motherfucking Game Week
« Reply #98 on: August 29, 2014, 03:21:13 PM »
Y'all are some whistling past the graveyard motherfuckers.

I'm not saying I'm shitting my pants in fear already, but they are for real. Book it. Yes, I can tell that from one game. I think they'll outscore both Bama & LSU with that offense. Definitely both Mississippi schools.

I look forward to pointing back to this thread when I'm inevitably proven right. Hopefully not after an Auburn loss.

Ive never doubted TAMU would be good. I have doubted both Miss schools though. I just don't think anyone expected TAMU to do what they did last night in that fashion. Some to do with them being high octane as normal. Some to do with SC being totally unprepared and off guard.
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Re: Motherfucking Game Week
« Reply #99 on: August 29, 2014, 03:25:14 PM »
Y'all are some whistling past the graveyard motherfuckers.

I'm not saying I'm shitting my pants in fear already, but they are for real. Book it. Yes, I can tell that from one game. I think they'll outscore both Bama & LSU with that offense. Definitely both Mississippi schools.

I look forward to pointing back to this thread when I'm inevitably proven right. Hopefully not after an Auburn loss.

You can post your gloating in the same thread with the eventual global warming "being proved real" thread. We'll wait.
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Five statements of WISDOM
1. You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity, by legislating the wealth out of prosperity.
2. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving.
3. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else.
4. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it.
5. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that my dear friends, is the beginning of the end of any nation.