I have to say I watched all of it in disgust last night. Disgusted at every aspect of this circus. My rant:
This was one of the most overblown, overhyped events of our time. Regardless of what actually happened in the death of this guy, the media latched on to this like they seem to do with some random happening every year. Some young woman we don't know, is accused of killing her daughter in a place we never heard of. Something very similar to what I read about almost daily in my little neck of the woods..and the national media turns it into must see TV. And we must see....just like I must saw last night.
This is not a hot topic, national issue as the media wants us to believe. There were a few hundred people in Ferguson, most of which dispersed not long after the decision because it was cold and deep down, they were tired of it and really didn't give a shit anymore. Those that remained were there only to loot and act like the thug, punk ass bitches they truly are. As one reporter put it as several rioters danced by him laughing with stolen liquor bottles, "This is a carnival atmosphere." National issue? There were 50 people in Times Square with signs and I saw one shot of Los Angeles where 12 people were walking down the middle of the street with their hands up in "protest". If there were other events around the country, it was just more pockets of thug, punk ass bitches using this as an excuse to act like punk ass bitches on a Monday night.
Never heard of the Prosecutor before he stepped out to make the announcement last night. Didn't give a rat's ass what the outcome was other than hoping there was enough evidence for the Grand Jury to make an informed decision either way. I listened to his detailed account of how they arrived at their decision and the mountain of evidence they considered and length of time they deliberated. All of it is being released to the public by the way, so total transparency. But the reaction by all the players in this game is what made me face palm and lose respect for so many.
First, you have all the counsel for the Brown family calling this a travesty and proclaiming there is no justice. But you heard what all the Grand Jury considered. He wasn't shot in the back. He wasn't running away. He did attack the officer.
This is a travesty and there is no justice for the black man.
City Council Woman: This is a joke. You call this justice?
But you heard all the evidence. He wasn't shot in the back. He wasn't running away. He did attack the officer.
This a joke. There is no justice for the black man.
And on and on and on and on...
Then...then, there's our beloved media. On the Snags cable, FOX and MSNBC are side by side channels. I constantly flipped back and forth. You would have thought one was reporting on a Super Bowl win while the other, a Super Bowl loss after a horrible call by the refs with 5 seconds to go. Sean Hannity thought the Prosecutor did a masterful job and supports the decision 100%. He delighted in bringing on air, the attorneys and government officials from Ferguson just long enough to tell them:
You called everyone involved in this thing racists right after it happened and you in fact, incited people to protest and riot. What do you have to say now?
Look, this is not...
We have to go to break. Saw him do that 3 times.
Then, there's MSNBC. The Prosecutor is a joke. This was a predetermined outcome from the start. There is no justice for the black man.
I'm done with these circuses.