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Sign Em' Up
« on: July 16, 2014, 05:34:20 PM »
From the only consistently decent writer at al of the dot  I am a gay twerker that has no balls!!!!  I also have no idea how to use the quote function to post stories, so I annoy the piss out of others.  I like male genatalia in and around my mouth., Joel Erickson.  Pretty good to get all your players qualified. I recall some list posted here a couple of years back showing how many of TT's signees never made it to campus or did and were quickly gone. Especially his last couple of years, which contributed heavily, IMO, to the crash after 2010.  We graduated I believe 26 seniors off that team and there was nothing coming in behind to replace them.  No upper classmen and more importantly, no leadership. Don't know how many were academic casualties but it was an assload of guys.  Anywhoze:

 Gus Malzahn and the rest of Auburn's coaching staff pulled off a rare feat at the end of June.

Every one of Auburn's 24 signees in the 2014 class is enrolled, marking just the second time in the past decade that Auburn has managed to qualify every one of its signees.

Gene Chizik's staff also pulled off the feat in 2011.

"I think that's very important," Malzahn said on Monday at SEC Media Days. "We have all of our guys that we signed on campus and working out, getting ready. I think that says a lot about their class."

Two recruiting classes into his tenure, Malzahn is off to a good start on that front.

Forty-five of the 47 signees Malzahn has landed in his first two recruiting classes have qualified and enrolled, meaning that Malzahn has been able to enroll 95.7 percent of his signing classes so far, a higher rate than his two predecessors.

Of the two players who failed to qualify in Malzahn's first signing class, one, former McGill-Toolen quarterback Jason Smith, is playing at Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College this season and committed to the Tigers as part of the 2015 class.

By comparison, Chizik enrolled 94 of 105 signees during his four-year term, an 89.5 percent success rate, although the numbers are somewhat skewed by his first class, which he took over from Tommy Tuberville and saw seven of 28 signees fail to qualify.

Take away that first season, and Chizik was able to enroll 94.8 percent of his signees in the other three years.

Tuberville had more trouble. In his final five seasons -- four of which count as part of the past decade -- Tuberville landed 107 of his 132 signees on campus, or 81.1 percent of his signees.
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My doctor told me I needed to stop masturbating.  I asked him why, and he said, "because I'm trying to examine you."


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Re: Sign Em' Up
« Reply #1 on: July 17, 2014, 01:57:47 PM »
From the only consistently decent writer at al of the dot  I am a gay twerker that has no balls!!!!  I also have no idea how to use the quote function to post stories, so I annoy the piss out of others.  I like male genatalia in and around my mouth., Joel Erickson.  Pretty good to get all your players qualified. I recall some list posted here a couple of years back showing how many of TT's signees never made it to campus or did and were quickly gone. Especially his last couple of years, which contributed heavily, IMO, to the crash after 2010.  We graduated I believe 26 seniors off that team and there was nothing coming in behind to replace them.  No upper classmen and more importantly, no leadership. Don't know how many were academic casualties but it was an assload of guys.  Anywhoze:

 Gus Malzahn and the rest of Auburn's coaching staff pulled off a rare feat at the end of June.

Every one of Auburn's 24 signees in the 2014 class is enrolled, marking just the second time in the past decade that Auburn has managed to qualify every one of its signees.

Gene Chizik's staff also pulled off the feat in 2011.

"I think that's very important," Malzahn said on Monday at SEC Media Days. "We have all of our guys that we signed on campus and working out, getting ready. I think that says a lot about their class."

Two recruiting classes into his tenure, Malzahn is off to a good start on that front.

Forty-five of the 47 signees Malzahn has landed in his first two recruiting classes have qualified and enrolled, meaning that Malzahn has been able to enroll 95.7 percent of his signing classes so far, a higher rate than his two predecessors.

Of the two players who failed to qualify in Malzahn's first signing class, one, former McGill-Toolen quarterback Jason Smith, is playing at Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College this season and committed to the Tigers as part of the 2015 class.

By comparison, Chizik enrolled 94 of 105 signees during his four-year term, an 89.5 percent success rate, although the numbers are somewhat skewed by his first class, which he took over from Tommy Tuberville and saw seven of 28 signees fail to qualify.

Take away that first season, and Chizik was able to enroll 94.8 percent of his signees in the other three years.

Tuberville had more trouble. In his final five seasons -- four of which count as part of the past decade -- Tuberville landed 107 of his 132 signees on campus, or 81.1 percent of his signees.

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