So wait a second... they had owners, with shares? I mean I'm pretty dumb on some things and shit, but was this like a fuckin NFL team or something? This sounds like some dude playing that monopoly board game and making up rules as they go along.
Do these "shares" have any monetary value? Did that site make money? Do they have a board of governors or some weird shit? Not that it fucking matters or anything, it's just that its a slow work day and some info would keep my little hampster brain working.
The original owner was bitching he was going to shut down the site, that the money he spent on AUN was keeping him from feeding his family. Several of us stepped up and offered to help underwrite the costs of the board in exchange for haivng some say-so in how it was run. In a nutshell, we paid our money, he took the money, and nothing else changed. The site never made a penny, but we were actually okay with it. However, he did what he wanted, said what he wanted, etc. and that started pissing us off.
The straw that broke the camel's back was that without the input or consent of the financial contributors, he got the AUN Ownership group invoved tangentially in the fight between CTT and the University during his contract negotiations, using his so-called "inside-contacts-that-he-couldn't-identify-but-trust-him-they-are-really-important people-no-really-they-are-in-the-inner-circle-and-they-talk-to-me-because-I-
blow-them-am-the-all-important-owner-of-an-Auburn-fan-website." Needless to say, the rest of us did not appreciate the involvement in a private matter between an employee and his boss, and told him so. We rabblerousers got banned, suspended, had our owner administration "powers" (for lack of a better word) removed, and were generally shat upon because we called him out and told him that he was not the unilateral decision maker for AUN any longer.
So most of us quit. I myself have not been back over there one time since sometime last year, and I won't go back until David is no longer associated wtih the site in any way, shape, form or fashion. I still like a lot of the people that post there, but I will not go back.
I honestly think this little war between AUN and The X is stupid on both sides and wish it would just stop. I love it here at the X - most of the people I love and care about are over here now and that is enough for me - and should be enough for everyone else too. it sounds like two little girls squabbling over which of them is going to be the new girl in school's best friend. Why do people have to choose sides? Can't people post both places if they so choose? Just because the original members here (myself included) could give two shits about the other place and their management, doesn't preclude anyone else from going both places.
Having said that, why are we even discussing them over here?
I have said my piece and counted to three, and I am done.