... You are free to go. I know, someone, or a "good number" of people from AUN were scammed into coming here via covert militaristic, and or spamtastic methods that really crossed a line somewhere, ummmm....well, SIX FUCKING MONTHS ago.
Just know that Titan Tiger, and a few of the ownership co-parts at AUN have cleansed the demons, such as myself and a few others from ever going to that site again, because seriously... Inviting a few folks here via their PM system, really choked off a good amount of respect somehow. I mean really... A personal invite????? ....TO look at our site here at the X.... C'mon! What were a few of us thinking!?!?! That's just pure debachery! MADNESS!
So since, it was in "a good number" of people's interest (according to Titan, the poor abused, captain E-penis) to complain about this.... 6 months ago...... He made sure that EVERY FUCKING FORUM AT AUN HAS A PINNED WARNING about the endless spam you've recieved ...umm.. 6 months ago! If you are here against your will, then you are free to get your happy asses back on the vegetable cart back to fucktard heaven.
Please note that this is not an Auburn issue. We ALL love Auburn, so in other words, stick your holier than though, I'm a better Auburn Man or Woman dribble and stick it back up the poop shoot it came from. This is about supposedly "men" not being able to handle the fact that after screwing others out of money, opportunity and proper decorum, they were going to have to answer to those "screwed" individuals. SO their answer to it all is to act like it never happened, and bury it buy banning the lot of them.
You may all be free now. Sorry for the inconvenience!

As for those STAYING! ..... War Damn Eagle and let's get ready to party like it's FOOTBALL IN A WEEK!!!!!!