What would happen if the military revolted and "walked out" on their commander in chief? From the icy reception to his graduation speech, the VA scandal, the Bergdahl swap, etc... it appears that he is losing the confidence of the military.
With commander in Chief being his #1 role, can he continue as president if the troops revolt?
What icy reception? I saw an article on Breitbart but that's hardly an unbiased source. The transcript of the speech begins with him repeating "Thank you" over and over, so I'm thinking it would be a great Youtube video if he was saying thank you to boos or thank you to silence. It also ends with the caption of "Cheers and Applause."
The VA issue has been going on since well before Obama. In fact, the treatment of our military veterans has been shitty since the Revolutionary War.
And the Boogerdahl swap while questionable is still a decision the Commander-in-Chief is allowed to make. Poor strategy? Possibly according to our laymen eyes. But hardly a reason for the military to turn against the president.
And look up some history on nations where the military revolts against the current administration. It doesn't lead to cinnamon buns and fairy tales.