Great series. Not great in a groundbreaking way. Won't ever be considered in the same stratosphere of something like The Office, Cheers, Seinfeld, etc. But it was quirky and fun. I hated Erlich at first, but grew to appreciate his character.
Hope they don't try to pair Monica and Richard, that won't work for me. Also thought they could have gotten more mileage out of Jared. Thought he had big potential at the beginning but sort of turned into a one-note sexually off-kilter bit part that we've seen him play countless times on The Office and Playing House. It was uneven at times (as are all Mike Judge efforts) but what isn't. This was the best of Mike Judge. Spot on social commentary. Perfect character portraits, even if they are exaggerated. I've hired or worked with every single one of those guys, including Erlich, in my years in the tech industry.
The pompous self importance, the over-reliance on meaningless buzz words, the gross over-valuation of basic innovation all hit home.
I look at as compared to idiotic cartoonism of a show like Big Bang Theory and it's miles above that silly claptrap. It took the cardboard cutout clichés of Big Bang and made them human and realistic -- and significantly funnier.
Not sure where it will go from here, but I'd like to see.
BTW, I didn't know but the Peter Gregory guy died in the middle of the show's production -- which explains his absence in the last two shows which I found odd before I knew he was dead. He was a big piece of that. Not sure how they fill that hole or explain him not being involved going forward.