Fuck you. I was picking my son up from school right in the middle of that and thought I was going to die...
Seriously...I was scared. I couldn't see 10' out the window. I was trying to look for shelter but I couldn't tell where I was. I thought I was in a tornado. My car almost lifted off the ground and there was so much water dumping out in such a short time frame, that the streets were completely flooded. Literally the water was above the curbs. It was a bad feeling not knowing what to do. I pulled in to a parking lot...but had no clue whether to try and make a break for it to what I thought was a car dealership (I thought it was but couldn't see shit) or just hope the car didn't get tossed in to the air.
Not something I want to experience again...especially in a car. It was a helpless feeling...