I have very important things to do today. And I'm having to shoulder the burden of bringing the news. Why? Because there are a bunch of do-nothings around here.
Did Catholic Church in Auburn take shot at Nick Saban, 10-second rule? You be the judge (report)
Mark Heim | mheim@al.com By Mark Heim | mheim@al.com
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on March 05, 2014 at 10:26 PM, updated March 05, 2014 at 10:28 PM
The War Eagle Reader came across a message on the marquee of Saint Michael The Archangel Catholic Church earlier today in Auburn.
It read: "Support the ban on slingshots." -- Goliath
The story posed the question: Was the message a subtle jab at Alabama coach Nick Saban? Or as The Reader called him "the great Philistine of football?"
"I gave our secretary a bunch (of quotes) and that's the one she happened to pick today, so I can't take credit," a smiling Monsignor William Skoneki told the Reader. "But it certainly fits today's situation."
"Coach Saban is a good Catholic, actually, a daily mass Catholic. But on the field, he's more of a Goliath."
The message comes the same day the Football Rules Committee decided Wednesday to withdraw a rule proposal that would require uptempo teams to wait before snapping the football.
H/T to thewareaglereader.com.