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« on: February 15, 2014, 09:06:35 AM »
In my quest to find something to replace The Sopranos, Dexter, Breaking Bad and other shows that were staples of my limited TV viewing I decided to try Helix on SyFy. 

Seven episodes in and I'm still not entirely sure who the bad guys are or what is going on.  There seem to be a number of secrets the writers are twisting and turning in every episode and the bad guys turn out to be good guys who are bad guys anyway. 

Basically what you've got is House merged with The Walking Dead mixed with The Thing filmed aboard the Battlestar Galactica set and treated like a Lifetime Movie.

It's a B-level cast with some cringingly bad dialogue at times and it's not something I'd necessarily recommend except to the curious. But it is trying very hard to be serious and keep the viewer's attention. I could do without the Lifetime Movie elements: Main guy from the CDC is still in love with his ex wife who was banging his brother who is or was one of the researchers creating this horrible zombie virus at a remote arctic outpost so he brings the ex-wife along because she's the best at * insert medical term here * but there is also some tension between the CDC guy and a cute young thing he brought along because even though she's about 19 and going to die from some rare disease he doesn't know about, she's the best in the world at *insert medical term here* and happens to have the hots for his moldy old ass.

Never watch it in its Friday night timeslot, but DVR it and watch it at some point over the weekend. Had insomnia last night so I watched this week's episode about 3:30.  It added a new character who has tangled up in everything in some strange ways.  She's played by Jerri Ryan of Star Trek whatever.

I admit that one of the hooks is the aching cuteness of the supposedly brilliant young medical researcher Sarah played by Jordan Hayes (below):

Got no joy in watching her consummate her crush on the grungy older man CDC guy, but it was bound to happen and now it's over.

She's never nekkid, nearly nekkid or even close to nekkid. Usually wearing a funky shapeless lab coat or a sweater/cami/fatigue/combat boot combo, but she is cute and acts mostly with her eyes and bottom lip.  So I like her.
« Last Edit: February 15, 2014, 09:08:42 AM by Kaos »
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