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Yesterday seemed so far away


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Yesterday seemed so far away
« on: February 10, 2014, 03:19:44 AM »
Trying to figure out something to do while waiting for Walking Dead to come on and turned over to the 50th anniversary celebration of the Beatles coming to America on one of the networks. 

Had several "stars" reworking Beatles songs.

Imagine Dragons was okay.  Stevie Wonder was a musical genius.  Joe Cocker and Jeff Lynne played really  well together and did the song they performed justice.

But some of the rest of the crap I saw?

What in the name of Billy Ray Cyrus is wrong with Keith Urban?  His haircut made him look like a gay Billy Ray or possibly Ellen DeGenerate if it were stricken with some debilitating disease. He looked like a blow dry homo. Playing with John Mayer didn't help. The two were off, didn't trade parts well and stumbled through their song.

Katy Perry, god bless her great big hearts and thick, long legs just absolutely cannot sing. I've long suspected that based on the limited range she shows on her albums and the strained quality of her voice but she flat out tortured Yesterday which is a beautiful song. It's not meant to be shout-spoken and over-enunciated which is pretty much all the poor girl is capable of.  If she were singing a scale she'd probably have to stop at ray and never get to fah or so. You can forget lah, ti or do.  Can't get there. Thank goodness she's pretty because she's dumb and can't sing a lick. I'm not sure which slaughter was gorier, Katy's evisceration of Yesterday or Michonne's 23-walker Kill Billing on Walking Dead.

Alicia Keys sucked. I don't know what's going on with that girl, but I thought she had some potential with her first single.  She's got a bad case of the stupids lately as well as the "look how many notes I can make out of this one note" disease that afflicts far too many people these days.  Oh say can you see should be sung over about six syllables, not 142.

What is wrong with Johnny Depp? He looked and sounded like a heavily sedated creepy imbecile. He was doing some mish mash of his Jack Sparrow voice, Captain Crunch and Foster Brooks.  Johnny:  You're from KENTUCKY.  You don't have a fey British accent so cut it out. 

Other than Tom Hanks and a completely creepy Yoko, I usually had no idea who the four or five "celebrities" in they audience they kept showing even were. 

It was a weird show.  Ringo and Paul look near death. Yoko looked like she died 40 years ago. 

It struck me during all the hoopla that the Beatles as we know them only existed as a group for about eight years.  That's pretty amazing when you consider the impact they had and the body of work that remains.  Same sort of thing with The Eagles.  Very short lifespan, huge catalog of timeless work.
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Re: Yesterday seemed so far away
« Reply #1 on: February 10, 2014, 10:12:53 AM »
Ringo and Paul are 73 and 71. And you think they look bad ?

Have a look at Jagger and Richards who are younger. Or Roger Daltry.

Ringo looks great for 73 to me. Holy shit that used to be considered elderly. They were both very youthful and energetic looking to me.

Agree on Perry and Keys.  Awful. Effing awful.

Lynne and Walsh were awesome. Would have been good to see Dhani Harrison and Julian Lennon up there at the end with Paul and Ringo.
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Re: Yesterday seemed so far away
« Reply #2 on: February 11, 2014, 08:14:53 AM »
Yoko looked like she died 40 years ago. 
sadly, no such luck
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