I don't really give a rats ass what you decide to hammer with. Just don't try to convince me it is a hammer if it is not.
Gay is a choice. No proof it is not.
And if the THEORY of evolution is true, why is it still called a theory?

If the THEORY of gravitation is true, why is it still called a theory?
If the THEORY of plate tectonics is true, why is it still called a theory?
If the THEORY of nuclear fusion is true, why is it still called a theory?
If the germ THEORY of disease is true, why is it still called a theory?
This is epically, epically dumb. That single sentence may be the dumbest thing I've ever read on the Internet. It is ridiculous to even entertain continuing a scientific discussion with a person who doesn't know the meaning of the word "theory". Sorry if that makes me "intolerant."
And another thing? As I've alluded to, homosexually being a "choice" is only even
imaginable to a person who himself made a conscious "choice" to be straight. As if it's 50/50.
"I could either have sex with women, get married, have a family, live a relatively socially acceptable and easy life, OR I could CHOOSE to only suck dick and get buttfucked until my dying day. It's really a toss-up, but I'm gonna go with the sex with women thing, because Jesus prefers that one."
If that makes sense to you, guess what? You're gay.