This goes back to other arguments that we have with the younguns on this board. They have been fully educated in the liberal doctrine. They somehow believe there is proof that man comes from monkeys and gays were born that way.
it matters not there has NEVER been any scientific proof of either. Yet when it comes to another liberal battle cry, global warming, they want to spout empirical evidence.
LOL. There's no scientific proof of evolution?
Just because you dismiss science at every turn doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
You, for example, evolved from these guys.

As for what makes a person gay, first of all to assume it is a pure choice is assuming a
lot of people are going
extremely far with a troll. Would you CHOOSE to live your entire life never having any sexual contact with a woman, but only suck dick and take it in the ass? No, you say? Well then what makes actual gay people any different? If it's entirely a choice, and is not determined by any biological or psychological factors, then what is different about them that allows them to submit to that for their lives, whereas you cannot? Just to stick it to the man? That's dedication.
Secondly, there are plenty of studies that have been done and are being done to determine the scientific cause of homosexuality. The consensus is pretty much as THS said. No one factor.
Interestingly enough, evolution, which you choose not to believe is a real thing, is one of the many factors. Homosexuality culls overpopulation.
MacIntyre F, Estep KW (1993). "Sperm competition and the persistence of genes for male homosexuality". BioSystems 31 (2–3): 223–33. doi:10.1016/0303-2647(93)90051-D. PMID 8155854.
Here is a link to 91 different studies on the subject. of them concluded it is a pure choice.