Honest opinion. Does anyone believe that anything will come out of this? While it's getting some play from certain media members, has it even been mentioned on ESPN? I don't know, haven't watched anything today. But is this going to be just another blip on the radar? Move along and all that?
I've said for years that I hate this kind of crap. Love discussing and focusing on what's going on on the field. But with the way Auburn has been fricking hammered by the media and the colonoscopy it received from the NCAA, all based on he said/she said, has been beyond ridiculous. I heard Cam's daddy asked a MSU booster for money. Well shit, bring in the FBI and the NCAA sets up camp on the Plains. Disgruntled ex-players say there were $100.00 handshakes at Auburn. Quick, get the HBO documentary together. Scorned bitch writes an Auburn cheats blog. Somebody change that scroll to "Auburn paid players and changed grades." Sharpish!!!
But when Yahoo hand delivers proof...not hearsay...proof that a Bama player got paid large, all we hear is how he lived in a van down by the river and maybe it's time we started paying these poor, pitiful players. Since then....

Now this? My feeling is this will be a non-story within 48 hours.