Oh, it's narcissism to agree with 98% of climate scientists, and not think that your non-science-related-degree-having ass is infinitely wiser in that particular field than the experts.
What's the name of this thread again?
98% is a fraudulent number. Not even close to true.
My degree is in thinking alarmists are nutso. I've got a doctorate.
You're not old enough to remember the world-wide "we's all a-gonna FREEZE to death" panic of the 70s. The ice sheath was gonna come down as far as Kentucky. There would be polar bears in Chicago. Penguins in Pittsburgh. Arctic wolves roaming the streets of Huntsville. White Christmas in Orlando.
Why? Pollution. Was gonna freeze us out. So we had to put federal regulations in to change auto emissions and change how plants burned waste and so on.
Why? Government control. And $$$$$.
Now we're gonna burn.
Horse shoot. Good work chicken little.
There's your irony. The same kind of freakos who scared the frostbite out of us are now running around with their brains on fire screaming about how we're all gonna burn. And you're buying it.
I'd laugh if it wasn't so sad.