No. It's not ignored. You've just been wrong 200 consecutive times and refuse to acknowledge it.
If it's too hot? Global warming
Too cold? Global warming.
Too wet? Global warming.
Too dry? Global warming.
You're not looking objectively. You've taken a position and are making everything adapt to that position rather than looking at the facts and forcing whatever occurs to fit that position.
Two of the coldest years on record in Antarctica have been in the last five. The ice isn't shrinking, it's actually growing.
And "peer reviewed" is utter dogshit. It's like asking a panel of bama fans to review Sabans performance and choose the teams to play in the championship game.
You: "Stars are the spirits of our dead ancestors looking over us at all times to keep us safe."
Me: "No, scientifically speaking they're actually luminous balls of gas held together by their own gravity. You see, the luminescence is formed through the thermonuclear fusion of hydrogen into helium."
You: "Blahdy blah blah. Science schmiance. Just because it's in one of those fancy "Science books" don't make it so. How are you going to tell me it's some made-up "nuclear fusion" thingamabob when I can
SEE them in front of my face. I ain't never seen a hydrogen! I've popped one-a-them helium balloons and didn't see
ANYTHING come out!"
It is a
fact that the Polar Vortex is caused by polar jetstreams dipping lower than normal due to decreased speeds. It is also a fact that these jet streams are driven by the difference in temperature between high latitudes and low latitudes. You can choose to believe that these decreased speeds are due to the wind fairies choosing to intentionally slow them down. Or you can believe that George W. Bush got drunk and started fucking with his weather machine again. Or you can believe that Santa is behind it all in some elaborate rouse to relocate out of the North Pole.
Or you could believe what 99.9% of climate scientists believe, which is that the melting of arctic sea ice is warming the higher latitudes at a greater rate than the lower latitudes, which weakens the stream, and causes the dip.
Actually take the 7 minutes and 10 seconds to watch this video that clearly explains this at a level a third grader can understand, or continue to be an idiot.
But aside from all that, I find it particularly hilarious that you choose to rally behind the lone voice in the wilderness of meteorologists who refuse to accept the science climate change, because today he's been proven to be a fucking idiot. Not only was he wrong about it, he was equally as brazen about it as he is about climate change. He mocked those trying to prepare for the storm and said it would be nothing more than a "light dusting". When asked on Twitter if Tuscaloosa would get any snow and if people should prepare, he responded: "We do not expect accumulation in Tuscaloosa. People often don’t listen to what we say." (
Link) Well, for good reason people don't listen to your stupid ass. Because this is what happens when they do.
This was "no accumulation" Tuscaloosa today:

Here's others from Birmingham:

My facebook timeline is littered with stories just like THS's where people are having to spend the night at work, many leaving babies at home. Would not be surprised if there is a death toll when all is said and done.
Because James Spann told everyone to chill out. NBD. Go to work. No need to freak out. I don't care what those other "meteorologists" say, it's not gonna be anything to worry about.
If you don't see the irony in this being a microcosm of his position on climate change, and the dangers of stubbornly maintaining said position, then your brain is broken.