I was about to ask Snags and yourself what in the hell is wrong with you?
I don't know what's wrong but guess what? I saw him in concert.

Was down in Pensacola with the wife visiting her sister. Mulletman was playing at the civic center and they wanted to go. Will there be beer? Yes? Okay. He achey breakey'd and 8,000 women screamed. I got slight wood but it didn't last long. Okay, it was a raging boner but I was drinking and he looked hotter than he really was. Once he finished playing the one or two songs he had on the radio, the concert actually wasn't that bad. They played Skynyrd and Zepplin covers and the lead guitarist put on a pretty damn good show.
Whatever. I saw Captain & Tenille in high school too. And the Jackson 5. And Lionel Richie in Auburn. And Jimmy Buffet. Plus, I saw some dumb groups too.