I'm lovin' me some Corey Grant speed sweeps. And my boy Ricardo hits it pretty good too.
Fast forward one week to Atlanta. Friday night, a group of us go to Legal Sea Foods for dinner and drinks after work there, Toby Keith. The place is filled with Auburn and Mizzou fans. Everyone is having a great time. Mizzou fans were cool and genuinely appreciative to be there. GF sends me a text alerting me to Malzahn's signing and it starts rippling through the restaurant and people are talking about it....drinks are flowing....err'body happy....
Then they walk in. 3 Bammers dressed in Got 15 t-shirts, mesh back Bama caps...the works. They sit at a table not too far from us and when their food comes, they pray before they eat. Kind of weird because the person praying is being unusually loud. In the middle of his prayer, he says, "Lord help us get through this night surrounded by all these Auburn fans". They ended by saying "Go Mizzouri" in unison.
The whole restaurant, including Mizzou fans gave a collective

Yes, I loved the Corey Grant speed sweep. And the Chris Davis run back.