Buzz Kill time. I believe we are now 93.6% certain we're going to pass on this one. Reason for the decision? I'm as passionate about Auburn footballz as anything in life, but I'm also to the point of being tired of getting raped over the colds...just because they can. I love to take me some trips and don't mind spending the $$$ to do so. Had a trip planned to New York for last week. Been once and loved the place. Always wanted to go during the Christmas season. Canceled when we couldn't even get a Days Inn by the airport for less than $600.00 a night. "WTF?"...I axed the travel agent. Because they can, I was told. The day after Thanksgiving, everything in NY goes up 300%. They can because people will pay. Not me!
I've spent the last few days since Sunday looking at a dozen different packages to get 3 peeps to Cali for this game. I've talked to a dozen or more people trying to do the same. It's not happening for less than $6K. One person said they were looking at flights yesterday and found one for $800.00. Went to another site to compare prices. Went back 15 minutes later and the same flight was now $1,500.00. Suck me you pirate ass bitches.
I'm sure some of you have found sweet deals. I'm sure they're out there. I don't care to play the game anymore. I'll do what we did in 2010. Throw a MNC party, hopefully celebrate and fall in my bed. Then I'll take half the money I would have spent on this grossly overpriced jaunt across the country and apply it to a week in March, hitting 5 tropical islands with Royal Caribbean. And I'll wear Auburn gear, drink til I puke and have a bitchin' tan.