Enjoy more ravings from the inbred morons, this is great
via cdn2.sbnation.com
Saban playing like a little bitch. & when does Foster graduate?
Fuck Cade Foster...I thought he may have redeemed himself this year........BOY DID HE PROVE ME WRONG
Six million a year for this.
I feel like suicide bombing an animal shelter.
Malzahn goes out on the field to an official laughing and pointing claiming a fake injury to Ivory. LAUGHING at a player that he had no clue whether or not he was hurt. This is the same scumbag that obviously had a player fake an injury vs Arky. Unless that kid was struck by lightning or a stray CIA secret energy weapon blast from a satellite he was clearly faking.
I no longer believe the BS that he isn't practicing the right way or being a "freshman". You can't tell me that Eddie isn't better than Cyrus fricking Jones. So what the hell is really going on with him? -did he.. Sleep with Saban's daughter? Piss in Saban's Cheerios? Egg Saban's house? Spray paint the UA dorms?
Saban called this game like a fucking retard. I don't think we should get rid of him obviously but Jesus that was a terrible game. Absolutely terrible. Fuck life. We won two in a a row wich helps make this fell much better. I'm proud of this team but come on. We lose on a missed field goal that one player tried to stop.
I hope NFL scouts really saw what kind of a back Yeldon is tonight. I'd take any three previous first-stringers, and Roy Upchurch, any day over him. Just awful.
What's the point in even hoping for an undefeated season anymore? All Bama does is win 11 games each year only to lose a game in November. Then they have to rely on other teams to lose just so they can play for a national championship. Luck has been on Bama's side during this "dynasty" and finally it's catching up. The coach that the UA pays millions of dollars for is, to put it lightly, a pussy. He bitches about the HUNH because he's "concerned about player safety". When in actuality he's afraid because it completely destroys his precious defense. All the 5* & 4* DBs, LBs, OL, DL, RBs, QBs & WRs aren't going to help when the game comes down to kicking FGs & your team always has the least clutch kickers in CFB. It's also not going to help when you run the ball on 3rd and short to get 0 yards & then try the same thing again hoping to catch the defense off guard. It's easy to blame the K or the Defense. When it's actually the coach & his staff. Maybe next year they'll go undefeated. More than likely they'll finish 11-1 though. It's their trademark, their MO, now. Instead of "Never Again"; it should be "Same Shit, Different Year".
I'm ready to stop legitimizing those a$$ clowns and their backwoods program. Let's put Missou in the west where they belong and Auburn in the east and drop them like a hot potato. I'm sick of them living and dying for games like tonight's. They will speak of this one for the next 50 years. Don't believe me? How many of you know what "Punt, Bama, Punt" means? I rest my case.
Yea we will get our "fair share" but is the vitriol these cretins spew worth the wins? Saban has now blessed the new generation of Bama fans with two of the worst, always to be recalled time and time again historic loses. "Camback" and now "One Second" will be vomited from their mouths for the next 50 years.
I say we let Harvey burn down all their athletics facilities. Repeatedly.
No, *ubarn's luck started long before Updyke killed their god. The only logical explanation is they have to be sacrificing goats in their little hillbilly town because no other team in the history of all of sports is as lucky as they are and has been as lucky as they have. I became an Alabama fan in 2004. Based on what I've seen out of the barn, 9 times out of every ten *ubarn games, every ball bounces their way, every call goes their way, the injury bug is in their favor, and if it's a tight game going into the 4th, hang it up because your skill and athleticism cannot compete with their magic. It's mystifying to say the least.
I guess that Drake must have peed on Nuss's shoes or something…
Hey...we don't have to worry about OT. whew!
Going to watch last week's episode of TWD and pretend the zombies are auburn fans...
Okay, this time I'm really going to stick my head in the oven. Bye.
Good thing most of the Auburn players are Home Ec majors
Late hit bull shit call. I will kill Matt Austin if I ever meet him. I don't give a fuck if I have to live in prison.
Offsetting penalty my ass. Matt Austin sucking that tiger dick.
I'm just basically tourette's at this moment. Not even sure whom I'm cursing.
My initial analysis of the game consisted of two words: "greasy farts."
I can't be a Bama fan anymore. I care too much and I don't appreciate the good times. No team deserves it less than auburn
McCarron is trash.
Im done with these trash ass running backs. Graduate and GTFO
Kenyan Drake = Fumbletron TJ Yeldon = Droptimus Prime
I BELIEVE SABAN was working on his TEXAS deal all week
Hey! If any of you are looking for any last-minute gift ideas for me, I have one. I'd like Gus Malzahn right here tonight. I want him brought from his happy holiday slumber over there on Melody Lane with all the other cow people and I want him brought right here, with a big ribbon on his head, and I want to look him straight in the eye and I want to tell him what a cheap, lying, no-good, rotten, four-flushing, low-life, snake-licking, dirt-eating, inbred, overstuffed, ignorant, blood-sucking, dog-kissing, brainless, dickless, hopeless, heartless, fat-***, bug-eyed, stiff-legged, spotty-lipped, worm-headed sack of monkey **** he is! Hallelujah! Holy ****! Where's the Tylenol?
Auburn should have a two game losing streek and after Terry Saban recent comments in the wall street journal I'm not some anymore with the coaching god. He has been great but have given bama two of the worst choke jobs ever.
After the game my wife in an effort to cheer me up pulled out all our Christmas stuff and set up our tree. After she went to bed I threw the tree in the swimming pool. We’ve been married 35 years so this morning she told me I get one pass. I told her if we ever have a FG returned for a TD when there is one second left in the game I’ll probably throw the couch and the TV in. Thankfully there were no children present.
WHAT'S WRONG HERE??????? Worst IB in many many yrs. Guys are dorking it up. Saban can only coach them soooooo much….. My blood pressure is having shitfits.
Fuck me. I’d rather be at Disneyland with Bammer right now.
why are we so sloppy? Fuck you refs and fuck you cade for picking this game to revert
Welp We’re getting jobbed by the refs. But it doesn’t matter. We should be whipping their monkey asses with a switch. Play up to our standards and there’s no refball that can stop us.
I'm so angry later tonight I’m gonna do things to my barner wife that are illegal in 37 States and punishable under the UCMJ.
I'm going to beat my head against doors & trees now b/c it feels sooooo good when I stop.
I went from full bore hard on to feeling like I’ve been tricked by a tranny
I may never have another erection...
kick bama kick, wow we butt fucked ourselves on this one
Hey Harvey... Go for the drinking water this time.
We earned this. Earned every butt fucking moment of it
Can Bammer be exiled for this
I actually have to root either for a rapist, or the B1G.
Auburn? I hate Cade Foster. The dirpbag fucked us two years ago. And did it again.
FUCK YOU COACH SABAN!!!! Enjoy your time in Austin….rabble, rabble, rabble ////sarcasm font/// Jtadpole, is that obnoxious enough for the meltdown thread
Everyone shut the fuck up and drink until you ruin important relationships.
well i'm disgusted. see you all next yr i hope when saban tries to get his $7mil, Battle drops that highlight in front of him.
I'm holding my heart...shattered into a million pieces.
what I cant accept is when asshole yankee neighbors who have no dog in the fight, knock on my door and scream wareagle in my face when I open the door. They are all dead to me and can keep my barner wife. Roll Tide! go FSU, rapist be damned
I've had John Legend's "Ordinary People" on repeat for the past 30 minutes Bitch mode is in full effect. Haven’t started crying yet though, that’s a plus
In Ttown with my folks, so staying sober. But I’ll damned if I’m not gonna go to Dollar General and pick up some ice cream. If I’m gonna watch an unsinkable ship hit a chunk of rock and kill the hopes and dreams of thousands, I’m gonna see Kate Winslet’s tits while it happens.
Wish I was in the press room, Because as God is my witness my question would’ve been “So coach, do you think Alabama fans appreciate the way you coached this game today?â€
If I hear Gods Team Imma cut a bitch.
a little relieved? what the fuck is that supposed to mean? fuck auburn and that game. we fucked a duck all night long. i do not feel relieved. i feel like killing somebody
Fuck you Eat a sack of baby dicks, motherfucker /YESIMAD
For those who have API fan friends that start the God’s team shit – ask them if there’s any chance they gather around at Toomers and drink cyanide kool-aid like all the other cool cults.
Paul Walker took the loss really hard
Whew boy... looks like Meltdown Time will be coming home to roost this week.
Hey bamtard