I honestly believe that. There was none of the trickeration we know exists. But why run that when you can pound them into submission with the zone-read? Makes sense to me.
Gus' "playbook" isn't huge. Never has been, never will be as long as his base plan is to go fast. 4 base runs/6 base passes. However, you noticed something that I think IS a sea change for Gus. He didn't use any of his misdirection/trick stuff. I expected to see a bigger dose of it, but it was clear he had the confidence to go toe to toe. There was, for the most part, a great decline in that all year, where he used to have a philosophy of running 3-4 reverses or tricks a game. In fact, he's changed a few things this year. The zone read stuff (the amount he using it, and the greater sophistication of it...no longer are they just reading the EMLOS) and the lack of the Buck Sweep. But that's typical of him to trade one concept for another, and the way they're running the option takes a shitload of practice time. They ran more quick passing game too.