Was on the Plane Train at ATL Sunday. Standing next to me was a guy wearing a brand spanking new AU t-shirt, right off the hanger. Of course, I said War Eagle, and what a game!
He said, "That was my first one."
Me - "???"
Turns out he and the three guys with him are Boston College graduates. They pick one game a year at random and fly out to meet up for that game. Been doing it for nearly 10 years. This year it was Auburn - Georgia.
According to them, we are the friendliest campus they have ever been to. They could not stop with the compliments and the raves about how great we all were, and how pretty campus is and such. They said that their second best trip had been to TAMU the year before they joined the SEC. But when I commented about how TAMU was "too" friendly, as in cultish and kind of creepy, one of the guys goes "I told you guys it wasn't just me that thought that!! I told you they creeped me out!!"
It was also, naturally, the best game they'd ever seen in person. They were blown away with the noise and intensity.
I love it when totally neutral parties leave Auburn with such a great experience to remember.