So understanding the national perception being that our paying of Conference foe rejects and JUCO mercenaries to come on board is the only reason Auburn ever sniffs success

... today, while catching the Auburn Football Review on a lazy Monday, I couldn't help but sigh during the clip where Gus asked NM to lead the locker room fight song and the poor kid didn't know the words. Anyone else catch this?
I think it's pretty clear NM didn't enroll in Cam Newton Public Relations 301, which was a large part of why Cam's one and done is such an afterthought in many minds, he elevated himself above it with charisma... I was reminded of this thought in another thread where it was mentioned NM knew Cam's "neighborhood". I am
beyond grateful for what Nick's done for this team particularly with his limited time on campus but it's not just the on the field prowess where the differentiation occurs between 2010 and 2013 IMO.
Of course, if we lose the last 2 regular season games I will remain ecstatic over what 2013 has become. Those accomplishments are due in no small part to Marshall's decision to suit up for the orange and blue and I'm proud of him. Even if it wasn't his first choice.
Hell, after the abortion that was 2012, I should be grateful we simply had a qb on the roster much less one as talented and seemingly humble as Nick. So fuck the national perspective, just curious as to your own thoughts on the "hired gun" aspect of Auburn's success. Do you care? Is the perception even a thing this season?
I guess after 9-1 you have to dig pretty deep to find something to be bothered by... I'll take it.