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Duck hate escalates


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Duck hate escalates
« on: October 20, 2013, 12:32:01 PM »
If ESPN gets what it wants and can fabricate an Oregon-uat BCS matchup, I'm not sure that I won't be sort of hoping for Alabama to thrash that bunch of quacking jackasses.  I seriously hope FSU gets the chance because I won't have any problems putting on face paint and chopping.

I hate Oregon.  Here's reason #4388:


Following Saturday night's game between Oregon and Washington State, Oregon defensive coordinator Nick Aliotti had some choice words for Washington State coach Mike Leach while speaking to reporters. Aliotti was upset with Leach for the way the game ended, and he let the world know it.

“That's total bullshit that he threw the ball at the end of the game like he did,'' Aliotti said. “And you can print that and you can send it to him, and he can comment, too. I think it's low class and it's bullshit to throw the ball when the game is completely over against our kids that are basically our scout team.''

“Make sure he knows that. Because I don't really care.''

Aliotti wouldn't stop, either, airing his grievances against Leach as if it was Festivus.

“I am kind of stunned he would keep his quarterback and crew in there,'' Aliotti said. “And still he threw the ball with 20 seconds left. But he did. They want stats, they got stats. But we got the most important stat and that's the ‘W' and we are happy about that.''

It's hard to blame Aliotti for being upset. After all, it is a bit classless to keep trying to score when you're already up by 38 points in the fourth quarter like Washington State was.

What? What's that? Washington State was losing by 38 points in the fourth quarter?

Well how dare Washington State not just lay down and die! They were playing the mighty Oregon Ducks! You don't try to score points against the Oregon Ducks reserves, you just take your 50-point beating and tell the Ducks you were honored to have the privilege of being run over!

Seriously, Nick Aliotti is upset with Mike Leach because his team kept playing for the entire 60 minutes when it was losing. He's claiming Mike Leach just wanted the stats, when odds are he's only upset because Oregon's defensive stats don't look nearly as good after the Cougars put up another 14 points in the final minutes of the game, finishing the day with 559 total yards.

I mean, Aliotti coaches on a team that routinely beats its opponents by 30 to 50 points. The Ducks came into this contest as 40-point favorites. That's right, Oregon has beaten teams so badly in recent years that Las Vegas actually spots the other team 40 points.

And Aliotti is upset because Washington State wasn't willing to lose by 40 points.

Does anybody have a violin we can play for him?
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Re: Duck hate escalates
« Reply #1 on: October 20, 2013, 12:44:23 PM »
I was just about to post this same story. Totally agree with you. I do think Leach was dumb for leaving his starter in there because of potential injury. However, why should Oregon care? If that was to happen, that would be on Leach and his problem to deal with. To beat a team 62-38 and then complain about how the other team kept their starting QB in and threw too many passes, Aliotti is actually the one being classless. Shut your hole and enjoy your big win.
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Re: Duck hate escalates
« Reply #2 on: October 20, 2013, 01:05:51 PM »
Wonder if this classless fucked duck turd, Aliotti, had some funds allocated on the outcome of the game.  Had to give 40 points, no wonder he's pissed.
We need to form a special list, THE OFFICIAL FUCK YOU list.
I hereby nominate this douche bag Aliotti to that list
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