Insomina. Curse of the aged.
So I watched History of The Eagles. Essentially a three-hour episode of Behind the Music. Didn't learn much that I didn't already know, but the soundtrack was good. Overriding theme was that Glenn Frey's ego couldn't co exist with Don Felder (or was it Don Felder's ego couldn't exist with Glenn Frey?). So many of the same concepts that keep Paul and Gene (Don and Glenn) from being able to work consistently with Ace and Peter (Bernie, Don and Randy). Same reasons Axl can't work with Duff and Slash. Same reason Sting and Andy Summers can't be in the same room. Why Simon Lebon, Andy Taylor and Roger Taylor don't play well together. And Vince vs. Nikki. And Bret vs. Poison. It's such a common story.
Not just related to music, though. Made me think of the guy I started my business with 15 years and how good we did at first when it was just us and we were struggling every day to keep the lights on and focus on the projects. The more successful we were the more our individual faults were maximized, the easier it became to get caught up in the "me" aspect of it. Me. I did this, not you. And how that success corrupted him to the point that he lost perspective and the "life" started to matter more than the work. Eventually we couldn't work together. One of us had to go. We were really good friends when we started. Like a brother to me. Now? We can't even be friends. Too much resentful water under too many bridges. Weird.
I didn't know that Glenn and Don first worked together as musicians in Linda Rondstadt's band. Then decided to start their own.
What I did re-learn was how absolutely sexy Ronstadt was in the late 70s. Not now, of course she's all swole up. She's not what you'd call the most beautiful woman in the world even then but she radiated and innocent sexiness. For me, though? Just the raw sexiness of her resonates for now and always. Incredible. I remember her this way.

I wonder if this is how the 14-year old of today will remember Selena Gomez or Demi Lovato in 2048?