Well another week in the books. The weekly winner was Jmar with an impressive 64 points, while the weekly horses ass award goes to none other than
with a paltry 32 points.
The yearly leader is Godfather with 181 points.
And it looks like we lost our first 2 players this week. AWK and War Eagle last year's winner?)
Weekly Totalsjmar 64
jr4AU 63
AU_Tiger_2000 63
Prowler 62
Jumbo 62
ssgaufan 61
Tiger Wench 60
saniflush 59
DnAtl 59
Godfather 59
Townhallsavoy 58
AUTiger1 58
dhsimp 58
ShugDye 57
AUJarhead 55
Wiregrass tiger 53
Yoda 51
hogwally 48
Buzz Killington 47
GH2001 46
Ogre 42
AUownsU 42
Snaggletiger 42
AUChizad 41
MarkChand 40
wesfau 39
Pell City Tiger 39
Yearly TotalsGodfather 181
AU_Tiger_2000 180
AUJarhead 173
saniflush 173
DnAtl 173
AUTiger1 171
Jumbo 168
djsimp 164
ShugDye 163
jr4AU 162
AUChizad 161
Pell City tiger 160
AUownsU 160
jmar 159
Prowler 159
Ogre 158
ssgaufan 156
MarkChand 155
wiregrass Tiger 153
Buzz killington 152
GH2001 150
wesfau2 150
yoda 147
snaggletiger 145
AUTR 144
townhallsavoy 144
hogwally 143
Tiger Wench 142