It isn't about him signing with an agent. He didn't even end up signing with anybody associated with it, which is probably why this shit is surfacing. He apparently took money from a former Alabama player who was a runner for multiple agents, who was receiving money from those agents to try to entice new clients to come their way.
= took money from a booster. This shit is not going to sink.
After the Miami debacle, the NCAA will take their time and make sure everything is done right. This will take a long time, but it will happen. Death penalty ? Almost certainly not. Putting a return FedEx label on those two boxes ? Probably. But not for a few years. Saban departing ? 50/50.
And to echo many on this thread, fuck these guys that say everyone does it and the school should not be held accountable. - And, unfortunately this refrain will grow.
If they want to change the rules because of this and make all this permissable, fine with me. Bottom line though, bummer broke the rules while they were in effect and they have to pay the price, even if they get the frequent customer discount.