By the way, more to WAR EAGLE!!!'s point.
We also know we're not crazy that the mediais all over Bama's nuts. They have removed all doubt.
"Unbiased" third party Tony Kurre, who never shut up about what filthy cheaters Auburn was for certainly paying Cam? This morning was on the "these poor kids need the money" talking point. Just like everyone else.
Where were all the "The rules are stupid anyway" stories two fucking years ago? How has the culture of college football changed that much? As late as a couple months ago we had to endure ESPN giving 24 hour coverage of Selena Roberts' article while simultaneously pushing a completely debunked piece about how our team was basically the Columbian Cartel. Of course, the second half of the documentary was a piece about how Bama saved the lives of poor souls who would otherwise be living off the streets.
For over 24 hours during all this scandal, this is the ESPN CFB front page right now.
Nothing on ESPN's TV, internet, or any other service until about 4 hours after the story broke. Still haven't seen it mentioned on TV yet, and I watched longer than I have watched any non-game ESPN broadcast in years.
It's night and day. All doubt has been removed. We're not crazy. They're out to get us.