Johnny Boy is quite active on Twitter.
Just saw this exchange this morning.
There was some chippy exchange between a local radio host and his followers and Philips chimed in:
â€@JohnPhillips 2h
@DanHicken @BarkMarley Wow. Local sports guy loses his mind on a fan? Must be the "Jacksonville Sports Man."
Which led to this exhange with some random hero.
@JvilleJosh 28m
@JohnPhillips @DanHicken Hey John, shouldn't you be off somewhere bribing college football players?
@JvilleJosh @DanHicken You want a libel suit, too? Real cute.
@JvilleJosh 4m
@JohnPhillips @DanHicken Should I tweet you an image of your cleared check or do you already have a copy?