The cycle is starting.
ESPN and CNN are reporting that SI is reporting that...
FoxSports is reporting that ESPN and CNN are reporting that...
FoxNews is reporting that FoxSports is reporting that ESPN and CNN are reporting that...
AP is reporting that FoxNews is reporting that FoxSports is reporting that ESPN and CNN are reporting that...
This just in from MyFox-Dallas: AP is reporting that FoxNews is reporting that FoxSports is reporting that ESPN and CNN are reporting that...
The latest from the Jasper Daily Mountain Eagle!: MyFox-Dallas has reported that the AP reported that FoxNews reported that FoxSports reported that ESPN and CNN reported that.....
"Every legitimate news organization in the country is reporting on rampant cheating that occurred when Les Miles was coach at Oklahoma State. Money. Sex. Drugs. Haven't we heard that story before?

From Auburn coaches Trooper and Luper perhaps?
Idiot caller:
"Thas racht, Pawl. Them Aubies been cheatin' fer years."
Idiot caller 2:
"I bet LSU still be cheatin' Thas the onlyiest way theys gonna keep up with SABBIN!"
And so on.