It's simple, You have attacked me from day one. I first started posting here and did try very hard to ignore you but like I said last time , you won't have it.
Well, you did stick out like a sore thumb, and I don't consider your arrival here as "day one". You're Gridiron, douche master of the bammer universe. You came here under the cloak of another name, yet when challenged your disguise was as transparent as the Zima cocktail you're sipping on. As you've seen by the others jumping on you as well, you pretty much brought it on yourself.
I know you're having your little fun. Good for you.
Wait! You get it... (typical Gridiron self mutilation and self contradiction coming up soon........wait for it... wait for it.....)
Dropping F bombs? so fucking what. Is there somekind of rule against that? Last I check you could pretty much say whatever you want here. That's the beauty of this board. But it's comming from a Bammer so you know the rest.
No, when you came here, you tried to come across as some cool, calm, collected Bama affiliate. I knew before it happened, that inside that bullshit exterior you were tossing in here, that underneath, a schizo freak-a-zoid bammer would pop out. A fucking gremlin after chicken at midnight if you will. You ate the chicken, jumped in the pool and shit your britches for everyone to see. It was beautiful.
(remember when you seemed to get it, when you mentioned fun...yeah...fading....more coming though....)
Same old tired story as every other board filled with a few good natured people trying to have fun and spoiled by a few assholes that want nothing more than to fuck it up or the rest.
Nobody's fucking anything up here. We enjoy this. It's located in one spot. Not all over the board. You're being kicked around in one thread or two. Those that want to participate are, those that don't aren't here. They're reading the 500 other topics elsewhere....
(your "getting it" is fading further.....)
I'll have plenty of fun later with you when your season doesn't go as you think it will.
You'd think that after a 6-6 season, 10 arrests, losses to LA-Monroe, a losing STREAK to US and MIssissippi State, a pending beatdown in Baton Rouge and the prospect of a very awkward and tough season ahead, your focus would be elsewhere, but whatever floats that silly little waterhead of yours. I hear ya though Carnack.
See you after that first embarassing loss.
I hear ya. It's not like you guys have any other reason to be able to say anything to Auburn fans, but we know despite how terrible you might be yourself, you grasp on to the hope that MAYBE, just MAYBE you'll have SOMETHING you can say. It's good to have goals.
You'll be the first I make fun of........... see ya then you little prick.
Will my keyboard zap me? Shock me, punch me, call me names? Geez, I sure hope not. The prospect of you making fun of me is an earth shattering thought.... Yawn.
(Yeah...the "you get it" thing from earlier... another fine example of your schizo no clue contradictory behavior.... gone....)
We're done here.