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The Butler Did It


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The Butler Did It
« on: August 12, 2013, 02:35:38 PM »
Been seeing the trailers for this new Oprah, Jefferson film The Butler lately.

From what I can tell and from what I've read (which isn't much on this topic) the point of the movie is to insinuate that a black butler working in the White House guided the decisions of every president for decades. 

They should have just called this the Black Forrest Gump and been done with it.  It's complete BS.

At what point does the historical revision cease?

I've read tons of material on Richard Nixon because I find him fascinating.  His ego, arrogance and hubris were legendary.  Is there any way in the world megalomaniac Nixon stopped while considering a situation to wonder what his black servant would do?  NO.  The only thing Nixon ever wondered in regard to the butler was where his drink was and why that dude hadn't brought it yet. 

Anyone seriously think that Reagan consulted his butler before taking action?  Seriously?

Did Jackie Kennedy rush home from Dallas to show the butler her stained dress and then send her kids off with him for cookies and a story?  NO, dammit.  This is all made up. 

Carter maybe. He was an idiot. But he's not mentioned in the movie.   Clinton? Can't ever tell but doubtful. 

Beyond that there's the deification of Kennedy (to be expected) and hosannas to the second coming of Kennedy (Barlack Obama). 

It's spinning history to give credit where it's not due.  It's racially revising history and it makes me sick. 
« Last Edit: August 12, 2013, 02:43:02 PM by Kaos »
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