I've seen this mentioned elsewhere, but what would you all think about a black Batman? Specifically Idris Elba for those that have seen him act.
He already played a Norse God superhero, so why not.

For the record, things like this do irk me. Not for any other reason than I'm a stickler for canon. I'm equally pissed that apparently the new Ninja Turtles movie cast a white dude (William Fichter) as Shredder. Instead of Oroku Saki, he will be Eric Sachs. WHY fuck with something like?
Also, in the new X-Men movies, Peter Dinklage is playing Bolivar Trask.

He would be an EXCELLENT Puck. Not so much Trask.

Interestingly enough, in the original X-Men trilogy, Trask was miscast as well, by a black actor (Bill Duke).