I really can't help but to enjoy indulging in a bit of schadenfreude over the low sales volume of House Speaker Pelosi's (D-CA) new book.

What a dumbass she is thinking she could sell a book when
her Congress has the lowest approval rating since they started making such polling! What a success story she is! Well I guess that she was busy working on that slavery apology and trying to figure out how to explain that she's not going to allow a vote on drilling without saying that she's not going to allow it (yes, I saw her on
Slay the Nation last weekend and she stumbled all over herself to get around having to answer that question).
Note that the new expose out about Obama sold ten times as many copies in it's first week of release.
This is from the Drudge Report:
Thu Aug 07 2008 08:11:48 ET
The most powerful woman in the history of American politics is suffering a humiliating defeat at the nation's bookstores, sales figures show.
In her first week at market, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi sold just 2,737 copies of her book KNOW YOUR POWER, according to NIELSEN BOOKSCAN.
The DOUBLEDAY release was launched with a full media push, featuring high profile interviews on TODAYTHEVIEWTHISWEEK.
"I wrote the book in response to people asking me what it was like to go from housewife to House Speaker and for advice as to how young people, especially women, could balance family and career," Pelosi told the WASHINGTON POST.
Pelosi's sales debacle [#41 on the Non-Fiction Chart] is dramatically overshadowed by the first high profile anti-Obama book, OBAMA NATION, which debuts at #1 on both the BOOKSCAN and the NEW YORK TIMES Bestseller List, with 21,466 copies moved, industry insiders tell DRUDGE.
"The speaker was pre-occupied with house business last week," a source close to Pelosi explained Thursday morning. "She has now turned her focus to promoting this extraordinary book... doing local signings and speeches. I think we'll see an uptick."
Here's the link: