"You people" should really be ashamed. Edwards has been through a lot in recent months. I mean, look at this list.
- His wife had cancer.
- Nobody takes him seriously.
- He dodged the tabloids throughout the campaign regarding the alleged affair.
- Nobody takes him seriously.
- He lost to Hillary who lost to a no-name freshman Senator.
- Nobody takes him seriously.
- He dodged the tabloids after the campaign regarding the alleged affair.
- Nobody takes him seriously.
- His hair hasn't been cooperating at all.
- Nobody takes him seriously.
- And now, he gets caught by National Enquirer porking some skank on the side while his wife was sick.
This is his "personal" life. It's something that his family must address.
Of course, if he were a Republican, it would have been front-page news MONTHS ago, but it's always off-limits when it's a Demoncrap.

Apparently, this sort of behavior is just expected out of them.