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Mother Leaves Baby in Car; Baby Dies


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Re: Mother Leaves Baby in Car; Baby Dies
« Reply #20 on: July 19, 2013, 12:07:44 PM »

You have a lot of literature and research starting to question why our prison system involves so many black males.  Most of this progressive thinking doesn't question the reasons why black males break laws.  It questions the law. 

You have people questioning the social status of certain types of people.  It's not that some people are eschewing education and hard work and playing the same game everyone else has to play.  It's that despite anecdotes that contribute to proving otherwise, we excuse these people's attitudes and blame their problems on everyone else and then try to force those who are successful to provide a certain level of convenience for them.


In the aftermath of the acquittal of George Zimmerman, Eric Holder, Al Sharpton and Ben Jealous of the NAACP are calling on the black community to rise up in national protest.

Yet they know — and Barack Obama, whose silence speaks volumes, knows — nothing is going to happen.

"Stand-Your-Ground" laws in Florida and other states are not going to be repealed. George Zimmerman is not going to be prosecuted for a federal "hate crime" in the death of Trayvon Martin.

The result of all this ginned-up rage that has produced vandalism and violence is simply going to be an ever-deepening racial divide.

Consider the matter of crime and fear of crime.

From listening to cable channels and hearing Holder, Sharpton, Jealous and others, one would think the great threat to black children today emanates from white vigilantes and white cops.

Hence, every black father must have a "conversation" with his son, warning him not to resist or run if pulled over or hassled by a cop.

Make the wrong move, son, and you may be dead is the implication.

But is this the reality in Black America?

When Holder delivered his 2009 "nation-of-cowards" speech blaming racism for racial separation, Manhattan Institute's Heather Mac Donald suggested that our attorney general study his crime statistics.

In New York from January to June 2008, 83 percent of all gun assailants were black, according to witnesses and victims, though blacks were only 24 percent of the population. Blacks and Hispanics together accounted for 98 percent of all gun assailants. Forty-nine of every 50 muggings and murders in the Big Apple were the work of black or Hispanic criminals.

New York Police Commissioner Ray Kelly confirms Mac Donald's facts. Blacks and Hispanics commit 96 percent of all crimes in the city, he says, but only 85 percent of the stop-and-frisks are of blacks and Hispanics.

And these may involve the kind of pat-downs all of us have had at the airport.

Is stop-and-frisk the work of racist cops in New York, where the crime rate has been driven down to levels unseen in decades?

According to Kelly, a majority of his police force, which he has been able to cut from 41,000 officers to 35,000, is now made up of minorities.

But blacks are also, per capita, the principal victims of crime. Would black fathers prefer their sons to grow up in Chicago, rather than low-crime New York City, with its stop-and-frisk policy?

Fernando Mateo, head of the New York taxicab union, urges his drivers to profile blacks and Hispanics for their own safety: "The God's honest truth is that 99 percent of the people that are robbing, stealing, killing these drivers are blacks and Hispanics."

Mateo is what The New York Times would describe as "a black Hispanic" Yet he may be closer to the 'hood than Holder, who says he was stopped by police when running to a movie — in Georgetown.

Which raises a relevant question. Georgetown is an elitist enclave of a national capital that has been ruled by black mayors for half a century. It's never had a white mayor.

Is Holder saying we've got racist cops in the district where Obama carried 86 percent of the white vote and 97 percent of the black vote? And his son should fear the white cops in Washington, D.C.?

What about interracial crime, white-on-black attacks and the reverse?

After researching the FBI numbers for "Suicide of a Superpower," this writer concluded: "An analysis of 'single offender victimization figures' from the FBI for 2007 finds blacks committed 433,934 crimes against whites, eight times the 55,685 whites committed against blacks. Interracial rape is almost exclusively black on white — with 14,000 assaults on white women by African Americans in 2007. Not one case of a white sexual assault on a black female was found in the FBI study."

Though blacks are outnumbered 5-to-1 in the population by whites, they commit eight times as many crimes against whites as the reverse. By those 2007 numbers, a black male was 40 times as likely to assault a white person as the reverse.

If interracial crime is the ugliest manifestation of racism, what does this tell us about where racism really resides — in America?

And if the FBI stats for 2007 represent an average year since the Tawana Brawley rape-hoax of 1987, over one-third of a million white women have been sexually assaulted by black males since 1987 — with no visible protest from the civil rights leadership.

Today, 73 percent of all black kids are born out of wedlock. Growing up, these kids drop out, use drugs, are unemployed, commit crimes and are incarcerated at many times the rate of Asians and whites — or Hispanics, who are taking the jobs that used to go to young black Americans.

Are white vigilantes or white cops really Black America's problem?

Obama seems not to think so. The Rev. Sharpton notwithstanding, he is touting Ray Kelly as a possible chief of homeland security.
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A veteran is someone who, at one point in his life, wrote a blank check made payable to 'The United States of America ' for an amount of 'up to and including my life.' That is Honor, and there are way too many people in this country who no longer understand it.'


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Re: Mother Leaves Baby in Car; Baby Dies
« Reply #21 on: July 19, 2013, 12:11:10 PM »
You don't think the dead baby is serving that purpose?

No, people will grieve for the small child, they need to see the parent punished.

Note: I have no children and never have.
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A veteran is someone who, at one point in his life, wrote a blank check made payable to 'The United States of America ' for an amount of 'up to and including my life.' That is Honor, and there are way too many people in this country who no longer understand it.'


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Re: Mother Leaves Baby in Car; Baby Dies
« Reply #22 on: July 19, 2013, 12:12:03 PM »
So George Zimmerman left his baby in the car?
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Re: Mother Leaves Baby in Car; Baby Dies
« Reply #23 on: July 19, 2013, 12:15:48 PM »
So George Zimmerman left his baby in the car?

Little trayvon?   
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A veteran is someone who, at one point in his life, wrote a blank check made payable to 'The United States of America ' for an amount of 'up to and including my life.' That is Honor, and there are way too many people in this country who no longer understand it.'

Buzz Killington

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Re: Mother Leaves Baby in Car; Baby Dies
« Reply #24 on: July 19, 2013, 12:34:34 PM »
So George Zimmerman left his baby in the car?

It was an Asian baby, so it's obvious the guy is a racist.
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Vandy Vol

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Re: Mother Leaves Baby in Car; Baby Dies
« Reply #25 on: July 19, 2013, 12:40:52 PM »
Last time I checked negligence is criminal.

Criminal negligence is criminal, and is actually more akin to recklessness than mere negligence.  Criminal negligence/recklessness might apply here, but I just wanted to point out that mere negligence is usually not criminal.
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Re: Mother Leaves Baby in Car; Baby Dies
« Reply #26 on: July 19, 2013, 12:46:27 PM »
Criminal negligence is criminal, and is actually more akin to recklessness than mere negligence.  Criminal negligence/recklessness might apply here, but I just wanted to point out that mere negligence is usually not criminal.

Your world frightens and confuses me! Sometimes the honking horns of your traffic make me want to get out of my BMW.. and run off into the hills, or wherever.. Sometimes when I get a message on my fax machine, I wonder: "Did little demons get inside and type it?" I don't know! My primitive mind can't grasp these concepts.
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Vandy Vol

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Re: Mother Leaves Baby in Car; Baby Dies
« Reply #27 on: July 19, 2013, 12:51:05 PM »
As Buzz pointed out earlier, girls are getting the idea from our media to put their purse in the child seat because they'll remember they need their purse even though they may not remember they need their child.

Meh...I get that any comparison between the importance of a purse/phone/whatever to a child is totally absurd.  But I don't think that's the reasoning behind the tip.

No one is saying that a purse is more important than a child.  However, a woman has carried a purse since her teens; meanwhile, she's only had that child for X months.  Like it or not, if you've been carrying something around for years, you're probably going to have a higher likelihood of noticing its absence than something that you've been carrying for months.

We're humans.  Shit happens.  It's certainly more depressing and more serious to lose a child than it is to lose a phone, but to act like a human should be perfect when it comes to a child when we're imperfect creatures is a little unreasonable.  We don't have the ability to achieve perfection just because it's a child we're dealing with and not a phone.

With that being said, I really don't know whether she should face criminal charges.  I sort of side with Kaos, but at the same time, a death did occur and it was due to her actions/inaction.  By the letter of the law, charges could be brought I guess, and in that sense, maybe they should be.  Why let her off the hook just because she's sorry?  Or didn't mean to do it?  Doesn't change the fact that it happened.

But all of the personal rage against her for "killing" a child?  It's a sad incident, for sure, but like I said, we're all human.
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Re: Mother Leaves Baby in Car; Baby Dies
« Reply #28 on: July 19, 2013, 12:52:46 PM »
Meh...I get that any comparison between the importance of a purse/phone/whatever to a child is totally absurd.  But I don't think that's the reasoning behind the tip.

No one is saying that a purse is more important than a child.  However, a woman has carried a purse since her teens; meanwhile, she's only had that child for X months.  Like it or not, if you've been carrying something around for years, you're probably going to have a higher likelihood of noticing its absence than something that you've been carrying for months.

We're humans.  Shit happens.  It's certainly more depressing and more serious to lose a child than it is to lose a phone, but to act like a human should be perfect when it comes to a child when we're imperfect creatures is a little unreasonable.  We don't have the ability to achieve perfection just because it's a child we're dealing with and not a phone.

With that being said, I really don't know whether she should face criminal charges.  I sort of side with Kaos, but at the same time, a death did occur and it was due to her actions/inaction.  By the letter of the law, charges could be brought I guess, and in that sense, maybe they should be.  Why let her off the hook just because she's sorry?  Or didn't mean to do it?  Doesn't change the fact that it happened.

But all of the personal rage against her for "killing" a child?  It's a sad incident, for sure, but like I said, we're all human.

It's like I think it and then you type it. 

Does that make me want a cock in my ass?
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My doctor told me I needed to stop masturbating.  I asked him why, and he said, "because I'm trying to examine you."


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Re: Mother Leaves Baby in Car; Baby Dies
« Reply #29 on: July 19, 2013, 12:53:50 PM »
Criminal negligence is criminal, and is actually more akin to recklessness than mere negligence.  Criminal negligence/recklessness might apply here, but I just wanted to point out that mere negligence is usually not criminal.

When it involves someone dying. No?
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Vandy Vol

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Re: Mother Leaves Baby in Car; Baby Dies
« Reply #30 on: July 19, 2013, 12:54:01 PM »
It's like I think it and then you type it. 

Does that make me want a cock in my ass?

I sure hope so.
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"You're not drunk if you can lie on the floor without holding on." - Dean Martin

Vandy Vol

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Re: Mother Leaves Baby in Car; Baby Dies
« Reply #31 on: July 19, 2013, 12:56:21 PM »
When it involves someone dying. No?

The fact that someone died does not affect how you acted or did not act.  Either your actions were criminally negligent or they weren't.  The standards don't change.

Again, I'm not saying that criminal negligence wouldn't apply to this instance...I don't really do criminal law.  But I do know that mere negligence is not necessarily criminal, and that there is a separate standard for criminal negligence that is more akin to recklessness.
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Re: Mother Leaves Baby in Car; Baby Dies
« Reply #32 on: July 19, 2013, 12:59:44 PM »
The fact that someone died does not affect how you acted or did not act.  Either your actions were criminally negligent or they weren't.  The standards don't change.

Again, I'm not saying that criminal negligence wouldn't apply to this instance...I don't really do criminal law.  But I do know that mere negligence is not necessarily criminal, and that there is a separate standard for criminal negligence that is more akin to recklessness.
You don't do criminal law but you do guys in the butt.
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Re: Mother Leaves Baby in Car; Baby Dies
« Reply #33 on: July 19, 2013, 01:01:55 PM »
The fact that someone died does not affect how you acted or did not act.  Either your actions were criminally negligent or they weren't.  The standards don't change.

Again, I'm not saying that criminal negligence wouldn't apply to this instance...I don't really do criminal law.  But I do know that mere negligence is not necessarily criminal, and that there is a separate standard for criminal negligence that is more akin to recklessness.

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A veteran is someone who, at one point in his life, wrote a blank check made payable to 'The United States of America ' for an amount of 'up to and including my life.' That is Honor, and there are way too many people in this country who no longer understand it.'


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Re: Mother Leaves Baby in Car; Baby Dies
« Reply #34 on: July 19, 2013, 01:05:35 PM »
You don't do criminal law but you do guys in the butt.

Now that's a lawyer that cares.
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A veteran is someone who, at one point in his life, wrote a blank check made payable to 'The United States of America ' for an amount of 'up to and including my life.' That is Honor, and there are way too many people in this country who no longer understand it.'

Vandy Vol

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Re: Mother Leaves Baby in Car; Baby Dies
« Reply #35 on: July 19, 2013, 01:09:02 PM »
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Re: Mother Leaves Baby in Car; Baby Dies
« Reply #36 on: July 19, 2013, 01:27:14 PM »
The fact that someone died does not affect how you acted or did not act.  Either your actions were criminally negligent or they weren't.  The standards don't change.

Again, I'm not saying that criminal negligence wouldn't apply to this instance...I don't really do criminal law.  But I do know that mere negligence is not necessarily criminal, and that there is a separate standard for criminal negligence that is more akin to recklessness.

I can accept that perhaps it's not deserving of criminal charges.  What I cannot accept is the overwhelming amount of compassion for this horrific act of negligence.

I got really bogged down with work.  My wife was cheating on me.  My kids have the flu.  My dog got diarrhea.  I stubbed my toe.  I had to get dinner ready and keep up with the laundry.  The grass had to be cut.

Sorry everyone, I just plum forgot to see to my bedridden mother staying in an upstairs bedroom.  I just feel terrible, so terrible, about those gaping holes known as bed sores and the gaunt cheeks from not eating and the stench of the bed being soaked in shit and piss and some puke. 

Terrible, terrible accident, but it's one that absolutely cannot happen.  You cannot fucking leave your kid to die in a car seat in a hot car and then be met with a horde of "It's okay.  It could happen to happen to any of us.  No one should be quick to judge because we all know we've made mistakes in the past!" 
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The Guy That Knows Nothing of Hyperbole


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Re: Mother Leaves Baby in Car; Baby Dies
« Reply #37 on: July 19, 2013, 01:28:19 PM »
Yes please.

Why are you profiling young boys? I thought you liked males of all ages.
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Vandy Vol

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Re: Mother Leaves Baby in Car; Baby Dies
« Reply #38 on: July 19, 2013, 01:41:27 PM »
Why are you profiling young boys? I thought you liked males of all ages.

I do, but physically subduing grown men can sometimes be hard for a hobbit.
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"You're not drunk if you can lie on the floor without holding on." - Dean Martin

Vandy Vol

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Re: Mother Leaves Baby in Car; Baby Dies
« Reply #39 on: July 19, 2013, 01:52:40 PM »
I can accept that perhaps it's not deserving of criminal charges.  What I cannot accept is the overwhelming amount of compassion for this horrific act of negligence.

I got really bogged down with work.  My wife was cheating on me.  My kids have the flu.  My dog got diarrhea.  I stubbed my toe.  I had to get dinner ready and keep up with the laundry.  The grass had to be cut.

Sorry everyone, I just plum forgot to see to my bedridden mother staying in an upstairs bedroom.  I just feel terrible, so terrible, about those gaping holes known as bed sores and the gaunt cheeks from not eating and the stench of the bed being soaked in shit and piss and some puke. 

Terrible, terrible accident, but it's one that absolutely cannot happen.  You cannot fucking leave your kid to die in a car seat in a hot car and then be met with a horde of "It's okay.  It could happen to happen to any of us.  No one should be quick to judge because we all know we've made mistakes in the past!"

I have a sneezing/coughing fit while driving.  As a result, I run over a child.  Horrific incident?  Yes.  But should people refuse to show me compassion just because it's a horrific incident?  I personally don't think so.  I'm going to look at how and why the horrific incident occurred, and not just the fact that a horrific incident occurred, before deciding to show or not show compassion.

And while I understand that an involuntary physical act of sneezing/coughing is different from simply forgetting something, it's not all that different.  Our brains have limitations.  We get distracted.  We get worried.  We don't always focus on everything that we should be focusing on.  Despite all of our good intentions to do, say, and think the right things at the right times, we don't always succeed.  It's part of the nature of being human.

If a person doesn't take care of their mother because they're too busy daydreaming about big black cocks, I'm not going to have much sympathy for them.  But when they're a new parent, an employee just killed themselves, and their life in general is hectic?  I personally would show a little compassion.  I'd hate to know that despite my attempts at doing the right thing to the best of my abilities, if I were to ever fuck up, no one would want to show me compassion for an honest mistake.
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"You're not drunk if you can lie on the floor without holding on." - Dean Martin