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Mother Leaves Baby in Car; Baby Dies

Mother Leaves Baby in Car; Baby Dies
« on: July 19, 2013, 02:21:09 AM »
I'm sure many of you (if you live in Alabama) have heard about the woman who left her 11 month old in a car seat in the middle of a July day in Alabama.  If you haven't heard, a few hours after the woman went in to Genesis Nail Spa in Homewood, her baby was found dead in the back of the car. 

The story is that she didn't bring her child to the babysitter and in a rush forgot to get the baby out of the car seat. 

In my opinion, while the mother and her family have every right to grieve as much as they need to, the public response shouldn't be too compassionate.  This is not a "It could happen to you" scenario.  This is negligence to properly care for a child, and because of that negligence, the child is dead. She should face serious jail time in my opinion for committing a crime against another human being.

But if you look at (my) Facebook, you'll see quite a few people giving Mary Magdalene speeches and displaying their own grief for the pain this mother is going through.  Again, I completely understand that this is a traumatic experience for her and it has already ruined her life. 

However, being really really really sorry about what you've done doesn't excuse it.

There's more than just Facebook, though.  Check out this article if you want:

Katie Luong is inconsolable.

She knows people blame her for leaving her 11-month-old daughter to die in a sweltering SUV. But no one - not one single person - blames her more than she blames herself.

"I want to tell everybody that I wish I was in that car seat, not her," the weeping 31-year-old mother told AL.com/The Birmingham News today. "If I had to die for her to live, I would have done that."

Gabriella Gi-Ny Luong, known to family members as Ella, was discovered by her mother about 1:20 p.m. Wednesday, still strapped in her car seat in the locked Lexus parked outside the family's Genesis Nail Spa. The temperature outside was about 90 degrees; inside the car it was roughly 127 degrees, authorities said.

Ella was unresponsive. Efforts, first by a nearby business owner and then paramedics, to revive her were unsuccessful. They rushed her to Children's of Alabama hospital anyway, where the staff pronounced her dead a short time later.

Luong, her husband, and a family friend Diana Huynh spoke with AL.com about the ordeal. They desperately want their privacy in this time of grief. But, they also don't want anyone to think they are monsters.

"Please ask anyone who knows me - I have never done anything wrong in my life,'' Luong pleaded.

Married for almost 10 years, the young couple tried for years to conceive. Success came only after their church family - the Vietnamese congregation at North Shelby Baptist Church - joined in collective prayer for conception for the couple.

They received the good news that Luong was pregnant one Thanksgiving. She had just graduated from UAB with a bachelor's degree in nursing and they decided on the name Gabriella, after the archangel Gabriel.

"I asked God for this baby,'' Luong said. "She was our gift from God."

The couple also opened their Homewood business about the same time of their daughter's birth, again choosing a biblical name. The long-awaited baby changed their lives. Though they were already active in their church, they became more so, to the point that Luong's husband started seminary.

"Our story is all about God," Luong said.

Both parents doted on the outgoing little girl. "She wouldn't even put her in daycare at church on Sundays,'' Hunyh said.

The Rev. Allan Murphy, senior pastor at North Shelby Baptist, agreed. "I can't explain what happened or why,'' Murphy said. "I do know they are loving parents who prayed to have a child and were careful in taking care of her."

"She was a conscientious mother and businesswoman,'' Murphy said.

On Wednesday, Luong put a sleeping Ella in her car seat and started the 10-mile drive to work. She was supposed to drop her off at the babysitter's house at 9:30 a.m.

But her mind was on overload - filled with thoughts and worries of a friend and employee who just recently hanged himself in a closet, only to be found there a week later. There was also concern for a close family friend, who is like a father to her, still hospitalized after having a stroke.

And in the midst of her worry and grief, she was planning Ella's first birthday party, set for Sunday at Oak Mountain State Park. It was too much, Luong admits.

"I had an uneasy feeling,'' she said. "I told my mom I felt like something was going to happen."

"She had too many things on her mind,'' Huynh said. "She was traumatized over her employee's death because she's never known anyone who has died, and there were so many people calling her yesterday about the birthday party."

"She was on the phone the whole time, and she said that cost her her baby's life,'' Huynh said. "She blames herself."

Unaware that she had left the baby inside the SUV, Luong went on with her day at work. When she arrived at the salon, she and her husband watched video on her cell phone from Ella dancing at their home the night before. "Music and dance was her passion,'' Luong said.

It was about 1:15 p.m. when the babysitter called, and asked Luong if Ella was sick and that was why she hadn't show up. It was then that the frantic parents realized what happened and found Ella unconscious in her car seat. "I want you to tell everybody I wish I was in that car seat,'' Luong said.

Instead of throwing the best-ever birthday party Sunday, the parents will bury their only child. The grieving mother said she can't even comprehend a life without Ella. She prays her faith will sustain her. "Without God, I am nothing,'' she said.

Pastor Murphy knows her pain, to some extent. His own daughter drowned 14 years ago while on a mission trip in Mexico. "I know what it's like for a child to die,'' Murphy said. "Little Ella is with the Lord in Heaven."

Murphy said no one can undo what happened Wednesday. "There's no rewind, it's not a dream,'' he said. "It's reality."

"She's beating herself up about it and I can't take that away either,'' the pastor said. "There was certainly no malice."

Murphy, friends and family are praying for understanding. "When you hear just a few details, you can judge quickly but it's different when you know someone's heart and hear their hurt,'' he said. "It was a tragic thing that happened. A human tragedy."


TL;DR - The mother was an outstanding woman who was involved in church and cared much about her faith and just finished up a nursing degree.  This is a "the Lord Giveth, the Lord Taketh" tragedy so please be more understanding of their situation. 

Here are some comments underneath the article:

This is a really sad story and I feel for the family. I can't imagine what this mother is going through. It is hard to look at the picture of this sweet angel and wonder how long she cried and what she was thinking or saying while she was in that car. I made a comment to my husband a couple of weeks ago about how I had a fear of forgetting something important and mention a story I saw on Oprah about a mother that was a principal that left her baby in the car all day. I have actually dropped my kids off with the sitter and looked in the backseat and panicked for a split second because they weren't there so I think we should not be so quick to judge this lady. It is a very terrible accident that she will pay for the rest of her life.

Very sad and tragic and I wish people would not rush to judgement!

My thoughts and prayers go out to the mother and to the family. I'm not going to judge this mother on her actions. About 15 years ago, I worked in a job where I was the boss, I was having a terrible day, things going wrong, employees constantly coming to me with problems, and I received a phone call from my 6 year old child's school that he had a fever and was sick and needed to be picked up. I said that I will be there within the hour. Then, more craziness kept happening at work, all kinds of issues, everything escalating and at 5:30PM that day I went home exhausted, walked in the door, and there sat my child, he had rode the bus home sick, no Mommy ever went to go pick him up from the nurse's office at school. I had not even thought another thing about that phone call until I walked into the door of my house and had laid eyes on my sweet child. I fell down on my knees onto the floor right then and there and broke down crying in front of my child. I turned in my resignation and never worked a job that was this demanding on my mind, and time ever again. It was my sign. I'm just saying, my prayers are with this family, because I got a second chance to change things before I made an even bigger mistake and to make a conscious effort to change my life and never let the demons of the hectic life that I lead ever get between my kids and me ever again. I pray for this family. I'm so sorry for their loss. But I know too well how things like this can happen.

My heart goes out to this sweet family who loved their little girl so much. Something like this could happen to anyone at anytime. I count my blessings that nothing like this ever happened to me. The more distracted we become by external pressures, social media, etc., the more likely terrible tragedies like this are to happen. This is very similar to texting and driving fatal accidents. The human mind is only capable of so much.

I wonder how many of the "it would never happen to me" crowd use their cell phones while they drive. That is a much more egregious offense, because one must make a conscious decision to do that, knowing full well it could cause a serious accident and kill their children, not to mention someone else.

One of the better ones here...

It is nice to see that there are some real Alabama Christians among those Alabama Sunday Morning Christians who do not understand the Word and have learned nothing except being StoneThrowers.
This young couple needs compassion and love and I want them to keep their faith regardless of the stonethrowers because their tragedy is also our tragedy, but as I said in a previous post, Baby Ella has saved many lives. So be faithful because the Lord os on your side.

There should be nothing but sympathy and prayers for this poor couple. It is obvious that this tragedy is their worst nightmare realized.

Please, please..... I beg you, All..... please do not rush to judgment against this mother. I know this family very well and Ella meant everything to them. I have no idea how they or any parents can recover from a tragedy like this. No amount of punishment anyone or any legal system could impose on her/them could possibly ever compare with the punishment they are inflicting on themselves. I cannot imagine their pain, guilt and grief. I pray for the parents and for precious Baby Ella.

I would like the mother to know that I do not and cannot blame her. It was a horrible accident. I am so, so sorry for her loss. Many parents have way too much on their minds and make mistakes or forget things. Many parents endanger or allow their children to be endangered at any age. You can read about it every day. Let he who is without error cast the first stone. RIP Ella.
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Re: Mother Leaves Baby in Car; Baby Dies
« Reply #1 on: July 19, 2013, 08:50:54 AM »
While I somewhat understand the "things happen" excuses being thrown around, this is YOUR kid. 

The biggest thing that has pissed me off about the "aftermath" is the television reporters trying to help others from having this happen to them.  They are telling moms to put their purse or their phone in the backseat with their kids, so they don't forget them.  In other words, we understand that you may forget your kids...but we know you can't make it 15 minutes without your phone or your makeup.
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Re: Mother Leaves Baby in Car; Baby Dies
« Reply #2 on: July 19, 2013, 08:53:16 AM »
No excuse in this case. None. It's a CHILD!!

I hate society. Nothing is anyone's fault anymore. Always an excuse. No one takes responsibility anymore.  :hulk:
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Re: Mother Leaves Baby in Car; Baby Dies
« Reply #3 on: July 19, 2013, 09:10:05 AM »
No excuse in this case. None. It's a CHILD!!

I hate society. Nothing is anyone's fault anymore. Always an excuse. No one takes responsibility anymore.  :hulk:

This.  That bitch should be put to death in the same manner in which she killed her child.

It's called RESPONSIBILITY damn it.
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Re: Mother Leaves Baby in Car; Baby Dies
« Reply #4 on: July 19, 2013, 09:35:41 AM »
This.  That bitch should be put to death in the same manner in which she killed her child.

It's called RESPONSIBILITY damn it.

I'd have to say the greater punishment would be letting her live.
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Re: Mother Leaves Baby in Car; Baby Dies
« Reply #5 on: July 19, 2013, 09:38:22 AM »
This.  That bitch should be put to death in the same manner in which she killed her child.

It's called RESPONSIBILITY damn it.

Could not say it better myself.
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Re: Mother Leaves Baby in Car; Baby Dies
« Reply #6 on: July 19, 2013, 09:55:17 AM »
I'm a hard line person typically, but I'm not feeling the wrath or rage here. 

I've driven miles past my exit on the Interstate because I was thinking about something else.  I've done the Raising Arizona thing where we got down the road and realized our daughter wasn't in the car, we just assumed she was.  Had to go back and get her. 

Can't say I'd ever leave a kid strapped in a car BUT... If the kid was asleep and totally quiet, if my mind was running with a million different things, if the car is like an SUV or something where you wouldn't obviously see him/her back there... I dunno. 

The guy in south Alabama who put his baby in a sack and tossed him in the bed of a pickup?  Yeah. Kill him slowly and painfully. 

This lady clearly loved her kid and made a horrible mistake for which she will suffer grief unimaginable. Will charging her with a crime and putting her in jail bring that kid back?  Will it rehabilitate her?  Is charging her with a crime going to prevent anyone else from doing the same?   

Seriously.  What purpose would criminal charges serve?
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Re: Mother Leaves Baby in Car; Baby Dies
« Reply #7 on: July 19, 2013, 10:38:03 AM »
I'm a hard line person typically, but I'm not feeling the wrath or rage here. 

I've driven miles past my exit on the Interstate because I was thinking about something else.  I've done the Raising Arizona thing where we got down the road and realized our daughter wasn't in the car, we just assumed she was.  Had to go back and get her. 

Can't say I'd ever leave a kid strapped in a car BUT... If the kid was asleep and totally quiet, if my mind was running with a million different things, if the car is like an SUV or something where you wouldn't obviously see him/her back there... I dunno. 

The guy in south Alabama who put his baby in a sack and tossed him in the bed of a pickup?  Yeah. Kill him slowly and painfully. 

This lady clearly loved her kid and made a horrible mistake for which she will suffer grief unimaginable. Will charging her with a crime and putting her in jail bring that kid back?  Will it rehabilitate her?  Is charging her with a crime going to prevent anyone else from doing the same?   

Seriously.  What purpose would criminal charges serve?

Maybe to get the next parent to think about there responsibility's to there children. Its time for people to face the consequences of their actions. Make her trial so very public, show her sorry ass crying on TV everyday. She killed( murdered) another human being.
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A veteran is someone who, at one point in his life, wrote a blank check made payable to 'The United States of America ' for an amount of 'up to and including my life.' That is Honor, and there are way too many people in this country who no longer understand it.'


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Re: Mother Leaves Baby in Car; Baby Dies
« Reply #8 on: July 19, 2013, 10:44:27 AM »
Maybe to get the next parent to think about there responsibility's to there children. Its time for people to face the consequences of their actions. Make her trial so very public, show her sorry ass crying on TV everyday. She killed( murdered) another human being.

Just don't see it.

Have to show depraved indifference. 
Have to show malice.
Have to show intent. 

It's not there.
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Re: Mother Leaves Baby in Car; Baby Dies
« Reply #9 on: July 19, 2013, 10:48:26 AM »
Just don't see it.

Have to show depraved indifference. 
Have to show malice.
Have to show intent. 

It's not there.

Last time I checked negligence is criminal. And she was negligent in the death of her child. I don't give a damn what her excuse is.

What you did with your story wasn't a crime nor did it lead to harm or death.
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Re: Mother Leaves Baby in Car; Baby Dies
« Reply #10 on: July 19, 2013, 10:59:32 AM »
Just don't see it.

Have to show depraved indifference. 
Have to show malice.
Have to show intent. 

It's not there.

Same circumstances but its your kid and its a daycare van coming back from a day out. Your kid falls asleep in the back and they unload the van and yours gets left behind. There is no depraved indifference,no malice, no intent. They just forget.

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A veteran is someone who, at one point in his life, wrote a blank check made payable to 'The United States of America ' for an amount of 'up to and including my life.' That is Honor, and there are way too many people in this country who no longer understand it.'


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Re: Mother Leaves Baby in Car; Baby Dies
« Reply #11 on: July 19, 2013, 11:06:27 AM »

Same circumstances but its your kid and its a daycare van coming back from a day out. Your kid falls asleep in the back and they unload the van and yours gets left behind. There is no depraved indifference,no malice, no intent. They just forget.

Do I want a day care worker to spend 20 years in prison for that? 

No. I don't. 
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Re: Mother Leaves Baby in Car; Baby Dies
« Reply #12 on: July 19, 2013, 11:26:57 AM »
Do I want a day care worker to spend 20 years in prison for that? 

No. I don't.

This is out of character for you. 

What if the worker was a young male named Travarious?
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Re: Mother Leaves Baby in Car; Baby Dies
« Reply #13 on: July 19, 2013, 11:30:35 AM »
This is out of character for you. 

What if the worker was a young male named Travarious?

That's what I was thinking.  Him and Chizad must be having a pic nic together today or something.
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Re: Mother Leaves Baby in Car; Baby Dies
« Reply #14 on: July 19, 2013, 11:31:34 AM »
This is out of character for you. 

What if the worker was a young male named Travarious?

And served burgers with tomatoes?
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A veteran is someone who, at one point in his life, wrote a blank check made payable to 'The United States of America ' for an amount of 'up to and including my life.' That is Honor, and there are way too many people in this country who no longer understand it.'


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Re: Mother Leaves Baby in Car; Baby Dies
« Reply #15 on: July 19, 2013, 11:32:16 AM »
No Jail time needed.

But there should be forced sterilization. This person has proven that she cannot be trusted with a child.

AS a matter of fact, sterilization should be a plea option for many of these types of cases. 
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Five statements of WISDOM
1. You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity, by legislating the wealth out of prosperity.
2. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving.
3. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else.
4. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it.
5. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that my dear friends, is the beginning of the end of any nation.


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Re: Mother Leaves Baby in Car; Baby Dies
« Reply #16 on: July 19, 2013, 11:40:06 AM »
This is out of character for you. 

What if the worker was a young male named Travarious?

If he's wearing a hoodie?  *BANG*
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Re: Mother Leaves Baby in Car; Baby Dies
« Reply #17 on: July 19, 2013, 11:48:42 AM »
No Jail time needed.

But there should be forced sterilization. This person has proven that she cannot be trusted with a child.

AS a matter of fact, sterilization should be a plea option for many of these types of cases.

So you feel that some kind of criminalization and punishment is needed? 

We won't sterilize.  We can incarcerate.

This story is one of the many problems associated with this new aged compassion.  Rolling Stone publishes magazine covers with terrorists and articles on what outside factors led to their actions.  Trayvon Martin sucker punches a guy and acts seemingly with the intent to kill a person, and the whole country is flabbergasted that the victim used a gun to defend himself. 

We don't live with fear of making a mistake.  We are complacent.  As Buzz pointed out earlier, girls are getting the idea from our media to put their purse in the child seat because they'll remember they need their purse even though they may not remember they need their child.

We're allowed to live selfishly without any concern for other people and without any concern for consequences because most consequences are being excused.

You have a lot of literature and research starting to question why our prison system involves so many black males.  Most of this progressive thinking doesn't question the reasons why black males break laws.  It questions the law. 

You have people questioning the social status of certain types of people.  It's not that some people are eschewing education and hard work and playing the same game everyone else has to play.  It's that despite anecdotes that contribute to proving otherwise, we excuse these people's attitudes and blame their problems on everyone else and then try to force those who are successful to provide a certain level of convenience for them.

This story falls right in line with that.  She acted in a way that KILLED her child.  That to me is completely unacceptable in our society.  It should be seen as a horrific act that should not be tolerated no matter the excuse.  It's not something I would do.  It's not something you would do.  This is not a cast the first stone case.  If it is, then every single crime has to be seen the same way.

Don't have enough money to eat, so you go steal from someone else?  That's okay.  Cast the first stone if you're without sin, right? And surely EVERYONE would go steal at some point in their life?

Like Dallas brought up - what if the scenario were different?  What if it's a daycare worker having a brainfart and your child dies?  What if it's a pharmacist being too concerned about a phone conversation and you die? 
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The Guy That Knows Nothing of Hyperbole

Re: Mother Leaves Baby in Car; Baby Dies
« Reply #18 on: July 19, 2013, 12:05:04 PM »
Maybe to get the next parent to think about there responsibility's to there children. Its time for people to face the consequences of their actions. Make her trial so very public, show her sorry ass crying on TV everyday. She killed( murdered) another human being.

You don't think the dead baby is serving that purpose?
« Last Edit: July 19, 2013, 12:06:39 PM by AU_Tiger_2000 »
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You meet a man on the Oregon Trail. He tells you his name is Terry. You laugh and tell him: "That's a girl's name!" Terry shoots you. You have died of dissin' Terry.

Re: Mother Leaves Baby in Car; Baby Dies
« Reply #19 on: July 19, 2013, 12:06:27 PM »
I'm a hard line person typically, but I'm not feeling the wrath or rage here. 

I've driven miles past my exit on the Interstate because I was thinking about something else.  I've done the Raising Arizona thing where we got down the road and realized our daughter wasn't in the car, we just assumed she was.  Had to go back and get her. 

Can't say I'd ever leave a kid strapped in a car BUT... If the kid was asleep and totally quiet, if my mind was running with a million different things, if the car is like an SUV or something where you wouldn't obviously see him/her back there... I dunno. 

The guy in south Alabama who put his baby in a sack and tossed him in the bed of a pickup?  Yeah. Kill him slowly and painfully. 

This lady clearly loved her kid and made a horrible mistake for which she will suffer grief unimaginable. Will charging her with a crime and putting her in jail bring that kid back?  Will it rehabilitate her?  Is charging her with a crime going to prevent anyone else from doing the same?   

Seriously.  What purpose would criminal charges serve?

I agree.  My wife and I realized once that we had driven half way across Atlanta with our newborn just sitting in the infant carrier and not buckled in.  Could have been disastrous.
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You meet a man on the Oregon Trail. He tells you his name is Terry. You laugh and tell him: "That's a girl's name!" Terry shoots you. You have died of dissin' Terry.